AZ Ghostbusters @ Operation Homefront Toy Distribution Pics 12/17/11

by jettajeffro

13 years ago

On Saturday, December 17th, 2011, the Arizona Ghostbusters had the great honor of participating in the Opearation Homefront Holiday Open House at the Arizona National Guard Armory in Phoenix. The families of deployed troppes were invited to come and pick out toys for Christmas, meet Santa, and pick out a real tree if they needed one. Our team was outside with the Ecto-AZ to greet the attendees as they arrived. One of the highlights of the day was the pack exhange with the fire department and them geeking out over our “vintage non-integrated man-down devices”.

On Saturday, December 17th, 2011, the Arizona Ghostbusters had the great honor of participating in the Opearation Homefront Holiday Open House at the Arizona National Guard Armory in Phoenix. The families of deployed troppes were invited to come and pick out toys for Christmas, meet Santa, and pick out a real tree if they needed one. Our team was outside with the Ecto-AZ to greet the attendees as they arrived. One of the highlights of the day was the pack exhange with the fire department and them geeking out over our “vintage non-integrated man-down devices”.