AZ Ghostbusters @ Two Toy Drives Pics 12/10 & 12/11/11

by jettajeffro

13 years, 3 months ago

Children's Cancer Network Toy Drive At Samurai Comics 12/10/11

On Saturday, December 10th, 2011, the Arizona Ghostbusters teamed up with Samurai Comics to host a toy drive for the local Children's Cancer Network. This was our 2nd year working with Samurai Comics on the drive and our 3rd for the Children's Cancer Network. Local comic artits were on hand for sketches and the local mini gaming con Vul-Con was also going on at the store. A discount and free comics were given for making a donation. The Children's Cancer Network assists families with children currently undergoing cancer treatment. 150 toys were collected that will be delivered to Phoenix Children's Hospital and Cardon's Children's Medical Center the week of Christmas on December 21st. At those deliveries we will set the toys up in a room and the children will come in and pick out their toy. The children that cannot leave their room we will visit with toys.

Operation Homefront Toy Drive At McFarlane Toys

On Sunday, December 11th, 2011, the Arizona Ghostbusters teamed up with McFarlane toys to host their 2nd toy drive for Operation Homefront. Operation Homefront helps support the families of deployed troops. There was a Cardinals and 49ers football game going on at the stadium in the mall so we had alot of foot traffic. We collected $250 in cash donations. I did not get a number on the toy collections unfortunately but we are getting toys donated from the store and the box was left for the rest of the week till the delivery date. On Saturday, December 17th, we will be at the local National Guard Base and will distribute toys to the families of currently deployed troops. Like at the hospitals we will set the toys up for the children to come in and pick one from.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 3 months ago


Great Slimer plush, where did you got it?

by jettajeffro

13 years, 3 months ago

Ring toss at the state fair. Same company that makes the claw machine dolls.