AZ Ghostbusters Visit Phoenix Children's Hospital Pics

by jettajeffro

16 years, 5 months ago

Thanks everyone. I'll pass all these kind words to the team in our next meeting.

Luckily we ain't afraid of no kids. We actually did a birthday party for a friend's child last year. Obviously not something we normally do despite the number of requests we get for it. We were afraid of it being GB 2 all over again but it went very well. We picked up the dvd set for the kid and he was in awe. Some kid did ask me why I was so little but otherwise no He-Man remarks. His mom still tells me that when they watch the movies he always says that those are the guys that came to his party. We learned from that party we kids can still awed by Ghostbusters.

This was one of those classic 6 cameras at once where do we look pics

by Nix

16 years, 5 months ago

It seems He-Man's gone out of style these days!

by jettajeffro

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure what the kids are into these days. Ben 10?

by AZFan

16 years, 5 months ago

Wow, that is just awesome! I'm sure the kids will never forget the day they met the Ghostbusters! :-) I actually saw a story on 3tv about the Phoenix Children Hospital and Handprints of Hope and watch a few videos of some amazing kids that struggled through dysfunctions. They have this timeline of events on You guys should submit this story and the pictures on their site so it's up on their timeline so everyone can see it. It's so nice to see communities reaching out to children. Good jobs guys!

by jettajeffro

16 years, 5 months ago

Thanks. We knew about the tv special, didn't know about the timeline. I'll look into it.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 5 months ago

They approved our submission AZfan. Thanks for the suggestion. It's the most recent entry on the timeline at

by petevenkman2

16 years, 5 months ago

It's nice to know children can recognize us. I'm sure things like Vh1 showing the movies back to back two nights in a row helps like they did this week. Alot of parents that loved the movies when they were kids have passed it on. That with the comics, game, and possibly a 3rd movie will hopefully give us job security for years to come.

Yeah, it's great that the kids can recognize and relate to Ghostbusters and not say, “Awe, I thought it was gonna be H-Man…” :-(

You guys are terrific. There should be more Ghostbuster members like you guys that like to dress up and show off your outfits for a greater cause other than Comi-cons and Halloween. You guys rock! I know that if I was a sick kid and got to see you guys dressed up as Ghostbusters, I'd probably think you guys were branch offs from the original Ghostbuster team. The ecto goggles you guys made were awesome!(*_*)

Great job guys! Charity work and organizations are what help the Ghostbuster community stay alive in the hearts of the people who's lives you have touched, and it also gives the Ghostbuster community a more positive image than what has happened in the past on many other Ghosthead boards. Once again, good job and keep up the work, and hopefully more Ghostbuster members of the community will follow suit.

Maybe even the Minnesota Ghostbusters…

by jettajeffro

16 years, 5 months ago

Thanks Pete. We just got done with 3 events tonight. A MS awareness night at a baseball game, we did a 3 mile Diabetes Walk, then went to a cancer benefit. We are working very hard to give back to the community to give ghostheads a positive light. Like you mentioned the general view is that we're all just about costume contests and cons. It's okay if that is all you want to do but it's also great to be able to use your props to help make a difference. Everyone has their own way of showing their fandom, props, films, fan fiction, ours is by doing these kind of events. We have 8 events so far between now and the end of January so it's a definite sign people appreciate and understand what we do at least here locally. So we really enjoy seeing other teams doing more charity events. I know the Salt Lake and Indiana guys have been doing some similar events and have more on the horizon.

by AZFan

16 years, 5 months ago

They approved our submission AZfan. Thanks for the suggestion. It's the most recent entry on the timeline at

That's great. YOur welcome

by AZFan

16 years, 4 months ago

Hey guys. So are you guys going to be involved in that “Kid Rock” kick off PCH is hosting?