bad 'Year One' reviews = bad sign for GB3 script?

by slimer3881

15 years, 8 months ago

another thought that popped in my mind, for all we know, Year One is a pure throwaway, and they're saving their good stuff for the GB3 script…..hopefully..

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

another thought that popped in my mind, for all we know, Year One is a pure throwaway, and they're saving their good stuff for the GB3 script…..hopefully..

That's usually not how writers work… especially guys who are just trying to break into feature films. They wouldn't take their first film script and use it as a “throwaway” and save the “good stuff” for a film that has been in development hell for over 10 years.

by Andreas

15 years, 8 months ago

Wait…… Harold Ramis wrote Year One?

story, writer, director, co-producer, actor

Sigourney Weaver speaks:

"I think they're trying to create something new completely with the Ghostbusters, although I know Bill is in it. I hope my little son Oscar (from Ghostbusters II) is a Ghostbuster! … I don't expect to have anything to do with it, although I wish them well."

by slimer3881

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;149708
That's usually not how writers work… especially guys who are just trying to break into feature films. They wouldn't take their first film script and use it as a “throwaway” and save the “good stuff” for a film that has been in development hell for over 10 years.

Well, maybe i worded it wrong.

I was saying that maybe a bit more effort and steam will go into Ghostbusters since it is the bigger movie and not a contemporary season flick.

Writers dont “save” their material for other works, but sometimes people will put more effort and focus into bigger projects while just moderately maintaining others.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Well, maybe i worded it wrong.

I was saying that maybe a bit more effort and steam will go into Ghostbusters since it is the bigger movie and not a contemporary season flick.

Writers dont “save” their material for other works, but sometimes people will put more effort and focus into bigger projects while just moderately maintaining others.

Even still… we're talking about 2 writers who are trying to break into feature films. I'm not so sure that they wouldn't give 110% on their first approved film script.

by GB2

15 years, 8 months ago

Out of all the info I have read on gb3 I can't figure out why aykroyd and ramis are not writing it. Did I miss something?

by DkiDClue

15 years, 8 months ago

i saw this coming

“Kansas City Star: A disaster of biblical proportions | 1 star”

by GB2

15 years, 8 months ago

I say let aykroyd and ramos write it and toss out this ghostbusters in training and let the original cast give it one more go. The world is going to be destroyed and the ghostbusters have to come out of retirement. Egon once thin is over weight etc. That's the comedy of it. They are old and have been out of buissness for over 20 years and don't resemble your everyday hero. Picture them all old and over weight busting ghosts as new yorks only hope. The whole ghostbusters in training thing is stupid IMO.

by GB3

15 years, 8 months ago

I hope this isn't a sign of anything bad for GB3. From the writing talent to the studio giving the greenlight, hopefully the guys from the Office can pull it off and Ramis & Co. give it their best for this new GB film. I mean its all up to the script. Columbia has to aprove it, Murray and them all. The script has a big hill to climb over. Thats how good the story has to be. To me as long as the story is anything better than GB2's film story, than it can't be a bad thing. I don't hate GB2, its just that story was almost a clone of elements from GB1. GB3 can at least be better than that.

by Frosty

15 years, 8 months ago

Okay, hypothetically, let's say they make GB3 and it sucks. Like anybody here wouldn't go see it anyway? I mean, I know I would.