bad 'Year One' reviews = bad sign for GB3 script?

by Steve

15 years, 8 months ago

Although I've yet to see Year One… It seems to be one of those movies (very Will Ferrel esque), where a writer has a very basic idea, makes a few key point scenes, while the actors literally go say whatever comes to mind, trying to be funny.

GB seems to be a very script oriented movie. Theres very little pointless banter.

Keepin' the faith. :-)

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Although I've yet to see Year One… It seems to be one of those movies (very Will Ferrel esque), where a writer has a very basic idea, makes a few key point scenes, while the actors literally go say whatever comes to mind, trying to be funny.

GB seems to be a very script oriented movie. Theres very little pointless banter.

Keepin' the faith. :-)

I get what you're saying, but its also widely known that there was a ton of improv on the sets of Ghostbusters.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;150539
I get what you're saying, but its also widely known that there was a ton of improv on the sets of Ghostbusters.
Especially from Bill Murray.(*peter)

by Steve

15 years, 8 months ago

This is true. Don't get me wrong, I love improv. But too many cooks can spoil the soup. I feel that may have been the case with year one. You can't compare “Thou sucketh” with “But the kids love us” haha

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 8 months ago

The critics hated GB2 but we still love it…

by rodie1

15 years, 8 months ago

The critics hated GB2 but we still love it…

That's quite a general statement. Critically it was pretty middle of the road… As for “we” loving it well, a good amount of people here don't “love” it. Even I would only go as far to say that I like it okay.

by Andreas

14 years, 10 months ago

Bill Murray: “You know, it’s really the studio starts this stuff some wiseacre said,
‘Hey, we got a couple of new writers who are gunna write something.’ And I thought,
‘Oh, well, maybe there’ll be some writers’ But then these guys that were supposedly
the writers that were going to do it, they wrote a film
* that came out and people
saw the film and went… ‘We’re not going to do it after all, are we?’
So it’s just a kind of a dreamy thing.
” via Proton Charging

* -> “Year One”?!