Banned Members List

by SpiffSupreme

22 years ago

Sounds like a good idea to me. If it means anything at all, I, umm … THIRD … this – motion. Or whatever number we were on.

by Kingpin

22 years ago

Excellent idea, I fourth the motion.

by GBFreak

22 years ago

Well, how do the Mods feel about this? How do we know some one will work on this if they don't like the idea?

by daneghostbuster

22 years ago

Thats a good idea. I asked about that awhile back I think.

by wingsnut25

22 years ago

this is a great idea,

the mods dont have a list of those who have been banned, so a public list would be great….

it would also help the mods to check, new usernames and ip adresses against old ones to see if thier is any relation…

by DrSlimer

22 years ago

I'm sorry, but I'm kinda new. Just what are the reasons to ban someone?

by kyleogb1983

22 years ago

To: Dr. Slimer, there are alots reasons to be banned and here some of them.

1. Using or saying offensive material/ words
2. Abusing the Messages Boards.
3. Mulitple user names
4. Impersonate a Mod.
5.Harrassing members/ annoying memebers
6. Refusing to follow the rules
7. Hacking or appemting to hack or sending virus to GBN.

Those are examples that could get a member banned for GBN.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years ago

by Zack

22 years ago

if you look under someones name, you can see instead of Ghosthead it now says banned. So that's probably the closest we'll get, instead of a list :d Like Daryl said, its just the rules that everyone knows by now that people are banned for not following smile It's not after one time if you're getting scared about slipping up, its repeat offenders and refusal to comply with rules after excessive and repeated warning. We're not unreasonable about it by any means.


by wingsnut25

22 years ago

just because a rule is not followed doesnt necessarily constitue banning….

its the excessive breaking of the rules, or intentionaly doing it which will result in banning…..

just because you slip up doesnt mean you will be banned…. unless you have done something excessively wrong, you will recieve a warning…

for instance if you post a miscelanous posts in the prop forum, it doesnt mean you will be banned….

if you do it intentionally and excessiviley then more then likely you will be banned…