Banning powers needed NOW!

by Zack

22 years ago

Bear with me in this long post.

As sad as it sounds, some people don't know the difference between REPLY and POST NEW The option for posting a new thread should be removed from threads itself as people are clicking POST NEW thinking they are replying(quite sad really) and just give the option to REPLY within threads. Some people think POST NEW means post a new message in the thread I guess.

It should really only be given at the top of each board. What would inspire someone to post a new thread while reading another thread? It's just another opportunity for someone to make a mistake, in my opinion.

As sad as this is also, some people still don't know they can edit and delete their own posts. As a result, we end up with double, triple quadruple posts and then the famous “sorry about the double post” I don't know what can be done to get across to people. I thought the paper/pencil icon is pretty obvious, but I guess not. It'd be better for people to know they can clean up their own messes, instead of expecting a moderator to do it.

More mod power. Yes, you heard right. Right now on the board, all we can do is delete posts. It can take all day or longer to gain control of a situation if Chad isn't online. We should be able to temporarily suspend someone if they are acting up instead having to wait and catch Chad while he's online to take care of it. smile

I'm not sure, these could be covered in GBN 2.0. Just some thoughts.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years ago

Holy Cow, I just thought of something! The reason why people hit post new might be because they think it says “Post New Reply” instead of “post New” and “reply”. but still, I think your suggestions are great. smile

by Zack

22 years ago

LOL I never thought about it that way, good point smile


by GBFreak

22 years ago

I like the ideas and I'm finally glad a MOD is speaking out smile

by evil_toaster

22 years ago

Just out of curiousity Zack….. how does one become a moderator?

by LordVego

22 years ago

trust me you wont become one, you have to be chosen, you cant ask, you cant plead…the only thing i have yet to try is bribes and blackmail

by Zack

22 years ago

back in August, I believe. Chad asked people to e-mail him if they wanted to be mods and he chose from there. I think it will probably be awhile before it happens again. I've been a mod for about 5 months or so. Yeah, asking about it is usually a bad idea.. yikes


by back

22 years ago

Honestly i miss the forum selection bar at the botttom of each page where you could scroll either up or down to choose where you wanted to go next. :f
im gone.

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 12 months ago

I was asked by Chad out of the blue.

He wants me to concentrate on the fanfiction board.

He also wants to lay the job of approving fics, so that's one less job for him, as well as I have the time to do it.

by Zack

21 years, 11 months ago

After seeing a few cases in the last few days, I believe some kind of moderator banning abilities should be implemented. I'm not talking about going crazy banning people like I'm sure people are probably already worrying about and I know many of these people and they won't abuse the powers. I'm talking about taking care of problems during the day or whenever Chad isn't around to take care of it. He is only one person.

Looking at the problem member online, there are 4 or 5 mods online and not one of us can do anything except sit here like ducks and edit/delete posts and otherwise helplessly wait for the next attack. Most other message boards I frequent seem to have mods with banning powers. I was curious as to what made this site the exception or if we might see something in the near future? I just think we should be able to gain control of a situation, clear up the problems quick and efficiently and be done with these people…it has to stop. Thanks for reading.

You're tired of reading certain garbage here and I am too. Your thoughts are certainly welcomed.
