Hey Zack…
I thought this might help. It's the disclaimer for another forum to which I am a member, Anime Music
Videos.OrgIt could be a template GBN code of ethics, if you will…
You also agree to this
AnimeMusicVideos.org code of ethics:
1. Thou shalt be courteous at all times including visiting conventions, forum posts, opinions given, and opinions received. Respect other's judgment though you may disagree with it.
2. Thou shalt not use downloaded video footage to make AMVs.
3. Thou shalt not use downloaded music to make AMVs.
4. Thou shalt not use pirated software: No warez, No serialz, No crackz.
5. Thou shalt only have one user account.
6. Thou shalt not put false information into the video catalog.
7. There shalt be only one catalog entry per video.
8. Thou shalt enter only the videos you created.
9. Thou shalt not steal other video creator's ideas.
10. Thou shalt not try to impersonate other video creators.
Your also agree to the following forum-specific rules:
1. Forum signature images shall not be larger than 40 pixels tall or 600 pixels wide; any sig image exceeding these limits will be removed from the sig file without warning.
2. Linked forum avatars shall not be larger than 80 pixels tall or 80 pixels wide; any avatar image exceeding these limits will be removed from the sig file without warning.
3. If a member (most likely a newbie) posts to the wrong forum, you as a knowing member must 1) answer the question they posted and then 2) point out which forum is the most approprate one to post to about such items. The forum moderator will (most likely) soon move the thread.
4. If you post images in forum threads, you should own the bandwidth that is providing those images. If you steal bandwidth by linking to images you do not have server control over, those images will be removed from the post.
5. There shall be no posts containing or on how to obtain warez, crackz, serialz, porn/hentai, or downloadable anime episodes. You will be banned without warning for such posts.
6. The forum will not be used for any kind of personal attacks.
Another idea is that you could have a secret thread that can only be seen and used by the administrator and mods. That way you can move and dump offensive posts there as evidence for Chad about the conduct of certain users.
You could also just change the user names and bios of certain offensive users, to give them a little bit of their own medicine!
That's another tactic of
AMV.org :s ; Frederick Schmeck