Batman: Arkham City

by duelistjt

13 years, 5 months ago

This game is badass! Anyone else played?

by Brendan_M

13 years, 5 months ago

Yep, but I'm only thirty percent done thus far. I wish you could had driven the car tho.

by Nix

13 years, 5 months ago

I have always perceived Joker's voice to be straining to do - even back in the TAS days. There is just something about the “extreme range” his rendition of the character goes through that, even now, hurts my throat to think about it.

Ooh, yeah, I know what you mean. I can do the “quieter” stuff without a problem (like when he's planning something) but when I try to do the more “manic” stuff I end up doing a Heath Ledger impersonation.

I remember on the commentary for Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Bruce Timm recalled that Hamill said, “I won't have to ‘fall from a great height’ again, will I?”smile

by fusi0n1

13 years, 5 months ago

Will definitely check this one out, I have yet to play the original that I got for my birthday! (October last year, yikes!)

It's on the “list” though.

Have heard anothing but praise for both games.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 5 months ago

Now that I am back in town I have started playing it a little. All the side missions and free roam of the place is a little disorienting at first…but you get used to it lol