Beetlejuice vs the Ghostbusters

by WSNProductions

16 years, 4 months ago

I have this idea to make a fully CGI Ghostbusters fan film where Beetlejuice and the GB's go head to head. I'm writing right now and was wondering if anyone had any idea's to add.
Here is the short of it as i don't have much time to type:

Basically Beetlejuice is released from his solitude to take over the world by two little kids who find a website that has a database of scary myths. Of coarse one of the myths says if you say Beetlejuice three times will conjure a specter. This takes place upstairs, downstairs one of the kids big sister is throwing a college house party downstairs, these are Beetlejuice's first victims.

One of the soon to be Ghostbusters is a detective, so this is what inspires the guys to franchise in Arizona.

Beetlejuice's plan is to banish the humans to the spirit world and release the spirits into the human world. He believes that it's unfair the spirits can't enjoy pleasures of life.

The Ghostbusters become very famous then for the final act must face the Juice for a free for all in the heart of Phoenix.

I'm planning on this to be a solid CGI film so the sky's the limit, and after i write it i have to pray that i can find a CGi artist to come on board. Anyone that wants to help work on the film is more than welcome (writers, artists CGI artists and animators, sound, ANYTHING!) and i will credit you in the film. It's mainly just for fun but i don't want it to be a crappy fan film, i want it to be a extremely funny and fun film. Something that fans of the franchise will enjoy.

Tell me what you think and give me your honest adult professional opinions.

I'm currently 42 pages in. Is it ever going to get made? I don't know, but I'm having fun writing it. Any GB fans hear that do CGI?

If anyone wants to read what i got so far let me know.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 4 months ago

A few things…

Beetlejuice beliveing that it's unfair the spirits can't enjoy pleasures of life. Beetlejuice could careless what happens with other spirits, other than himself. He's a self-absorbed guy, in the movie he only helped Lydia because he knew he could get himself free.

One of the soon to be Ghostbusters is a detective, so this is what inspires the guys to franchise in Arizona. Um…I don't know, that idea needs work.

Beetlejuice is released from his solitude to take over the world by two little kids who find a website that has a database of scary myths. Well, I really don't think Beetljuice is the kind of guy that would want to take over the world, as much as he just wants to terrorize people. In the movie he wanted to be free for pretty much that reason. He's a trouble maker, but not really the kind of guy I'd see as trying to “take over the world”.

The myth about him is a bit strange too. I don't think much of the “living world” in the first movie even know that Bettlejuice even exsisted, hell even the people in the “after life” barely knew, because they tried to keep him a secret because they knew how much trouble he could cause to everyone.

Needs some work, but it could be interesting. Only problem is a lot of people in the past have tried to pit these two franchises together so it's not exactly an original idea. Good luck anyway.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 4 months ago

What would you want to see from a movie like this? How would you have them go head to head?

by Kingpin

16 years, 4 months ago

The Beetlejuice myth being listed on a website sounds pretty flimsy, what's stopping someone else from calling him up before the kids? For example, how many people just in one year say Bloody Mary's name three times?

If you do want Beetlejuice to be a part of the story, it has to be harder to bring him to our world in order to explain why he hasn't already been called forth… and, furthermore, why should he be a well known urban legend? He was never known to mortals in the film until he was brought forth.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 4 months ago

I didn't want to people to take the Juice to seriously, thats why he was just another myth on a website that no one pays any attention too. But that's why i posted this hear, i want to make a film that GB fans will like so i really want to hear everyone's ideas.

Maybe the model from the original movie is sent to one of the kids as a present, maybe he's related to Adam from the movie.

Or maybe the sand worm the eat Beetlejuice is released from that other dimension and it regurgitates him.

Here is the begening of the film:



EXT. spooky street - night

A long dark street covered in looming shadow's lies desolate on a cold October night.

SUPER: October 3rd, Tempe Arizona

The wind pushes around the tree's and bush's, it makes a eerie sound. A storm is brewing. It's the only sound herd except for the faint thumping of bass from speakers as if there was a evil beast trying to escape it's holdings.

Lights flash in different colors from the window of a small beige stucco house with a little piece of crap car in the pavement driveway.

The song playing is: “Get Buck In Here” by DJ Felli Fel.

cut to:

INT. little house - night

Inside the house the music is cranked so loud you can't hear the conversations of the college students attending the party.


1) A DJ is holding his ear phones as he dances to the music behind a turn table.

2) Students dance with cups and bottles of all different kinds of alcohol.

3) Young kids smoke cigarettes, they're most likely under age.

4) A particular young woman, PATRICIA, is dancing with a older boy, this is her house.

GEORGE, age 15 and JAMES, age 14 are talking to two older girls.


So how do you like the party?!




I said, “So how do you like the party?!”


Oh, it's sweet!


Ya this is my house!


(Two the other girl)

Ya it's his house, I'm his friend and your her friend so like that makes us practically, like, engaged or something!

Patricia spots her little brother from the make shift dance floor in the middle of her parent's living room. She immediately stops dancing and walks over to George and James.


What are you two snots doing out of your room, your ruining my party!

Hey! I have rights woman! I ain't no inbred! I think i can have a intelligent conversation with these fine students with out you on my back! It will be a cold day in hell when i let shove me into a closet like some kind of idiot your embarrassed of!


Yea, what he said!

INT. george's room - moments later


The door of George's bedroom slams shut.


I hate your ugly face!
He throws himself on the bed in a fit of anger. James sits on his computer chair.


You sure showed her.


(muffled under his pillow)

She treats me like I'm fifteen.


What? I can't hear you when your trying to eat your pillow.

George sits up on the edge of his bed.


She treats me like I'm fifteen.


Thats because you are idiot.


Thanks for reminding me James.

Your welcome George.

George lies back on his bed.


This sucks ass, I'm just gonna go home.


Wait! You can't leave me hear in partyville!


Well what do you propose we do?



Hell no.


Downstairs students and young adults are still dancing. Patricia comes walking down the stairs after throwing her brother back into his bedroom which now seemed like a prison.

Downstairs she's greeted by her friend STACY.


What happened to your bro?


Uhg, i put him back in his room, he won't bother us no more.


I thought he was kind of cute.


Ew Stace, your like a bazillion years older than him.

INT. GEORGE'S ROOM - meanwhile

George and JAMES are sitting at the computer glaring at the screen as if it was going to tell them the secret of life.

from the computer screen's pov

A fly lands on George's face, he brush's it off.


OK, according to “scary”, several years ago a family kicked the bucket in this little town. After a few months a new family bought the house only to find the old homeowners hadn't left, they're ghosts was still there.


Wow, like i haven't heard that before.


Wait theres more, apparently the spook lovers was not at all happy with this, but they didn't know how to haunt a house.




So they hired a fellow spook to do it.


Should have hired my sister.


But this guy was a complete freak, he went rouge and tried to kill the family living in the house and marry they're daughter.


Interesting go on…


His name was… oh.

JAMES pauses not sure whether he should say his name or not.


…Whats his name already?!


Well, it says hear if you say his name three times he will emerge from the spirit world to reek mayhem on the world ounce again.

George bursts out in laughter.



Your not scared of this nonsense are you?


No, i just don't like taking chances.




Stop George I'm serious.




This isn't funny George, you're creeping me out.



JAMES and George sit silent for a couple beats waiting for a response.


See, i told you this was nonsense.

INT. LITTLE HOUSE - same time

The base still pumps as music blazes from the large speakers. Patricia is dancing with another guy.

Suddenly the record scratches bringing the music to a screeching halt. Everybody stops dancing. What was ounce a room full of extremely loud ambiance is now shrouded in awkward silence.

The dreadlock sporting DJ looks up from his turn tables with a sick look on his face.

Against his will he starts to sing.



Day-o, day-ay-ay-o!

The crowd of confused party goers watch with a blank look on every face.


Daylight come and me wan' go home…

Suddenly Patricia's body goes stiff and a shocking look fills her eyes.


Day-o, day-ay-ay-o. Daylight come and me wan' go home!

The DJ jumps over his turn tables on to the dance floor like a swift acrobat.


Work all night on a drink of rum…

A group of students unwillingly join in as background singers.


Daylight come and me wan' go home!

Patricia duets with another group of students behind her.


Stack banana till de morning come…


Daylight come and me wan' go home!


George is still talking to JAMES, he can hear the students singing a strange song.


Do you hear that?


What are they doing down there?


I think they're all a little too drunk.


Go check.


Come with me.


Just go check real quick and come back.


What are you scared wuss?

JAMES sighs and fallows.

INT. stairwell - moments later

George peeks his head out of the railing at the top of the stairs staring down at the party. Everybody strangely dancing in synchronization. They're all in lined up on the dance floor like a dancing army.

Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch! Daylight come and me wan' go home…
George laughs.


Get my camera!




Do you know how many views this will get on youtube?


I don't know George, i've got a bad feeling about this.


It's a bunch of drunk college students dancing to Harry Belafonte.




Never mind.

JAMES inspects the room slowly, he notices the turn table.


The turn table isn't even spinning a record.



OK, thats weird. Get my camera.


Everyone stops singing. They hold they're throats as if someone was controlling them like human puppets.


Why did everyone stop singing?

The crowd of students separate, cut in half like the red sea to reveal BEETLEJUICE, a green haired white skinned middle aged creep with bad teeth and rotting mildew and moss growing on his face and hands.

He spits into his hands a wipes it through his hair as he takes comb in the other hand and comb's it back, it stays back for a moment but jumps back into shape.


I'm back boys and girls! We're going to have some fun now. This is a great party.

He grabs his crutch twice, it makes a honking noise as if it where a car horn.


It's show time!

George's eyes peering through the stair railing widen in panic.

“Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr. Starts to play.

smash cut to:

A white mist forms the popular No Ghost logo and the main title appears.


That's beginning intro of the film, some things may be in caps and some may not and that's because i use Celtx and i don't have to press Caps because it does it for me.

Keep the thoguhts coming guys.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 4 months ago

On the jedi council forums you mentioned the possibility of a rival paranormal removal company being a pain in your Arizona Ghostbusters side. Would the other team be more like a traditional TAPS team or have actual ghostbusting equipment of their own kind of like the Filmation Ghostbusters?

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 4 months ago

Hey, I'm a producer myself, so its nice to see others on (message) board, so to speak.

The concept of Beetlejuice vs GB is fun. But I have a few comments, questions…

Relying on it being CGI is a BIG if, most likely the best animation you're going to be able to get is flash animation.

If I remember correctly, Beetlejuice never tried the Harry Belafonte gag, that would be the two nice ghosts. Beetlejuice was much more with the hardcore scare. Giant snakes, etc. As far as doing that stuff in animation, thats a much safer bet, as the SFX budget would get out of hand on a live production.

What might be a better idea is the kids accidentally obtain a copy of “Handbook for the Recently Deceased” the book that Adam and Barb (the dead couple) get after dying. Not only would it connect it more to the movie, but I bet one or more of the Ghostbusters would LOVE to get their hands on it.

There was an idea for a sequel to Beetlejuice entitled Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, you might find some fun ideas if you can get the specs for that.

Also, you might wanna spell check a script before you post it. I'm not a spelling and grammar nazi, but it doesn't promote confidence.

Have you written other projects before? Worked on anything you've written? I have many questions.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 4 months ago

On the jedi council forums you mentioned the possibility of a rival paranormal removal company being a pain in your Arizona Ghostbusters side. Would the other team be more like a traditional TAPS team or have actual ghostbusting equipment of their own kind of like the Filmation Ghostbusters?

Filmation Ghostbusters, but i am not sure on that yet.

What might be a better idea is the kids accidentally obtain a copy of “Handbook for the Recently Deceased” the book that Adam and Barb (the dead couple) get after dying. Not only would it connect it more to the movie, but I bet one or more of the Ghostbusters would LOVE to get their hands on it.

I love it.

There was an idea for a sequel to Beetlejuice entitled Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian, you might find some fun ideas if you can get the specs for that.

I can try that.

Have you written other projects before? Worked on anything you've written? I have many questions.

Check out my website\/

EDIT: How good can you get Flash to look? I thought that might look kind of cheesy, but if i could get it to look just like a normal cartoon like lets say for instance Futureama, i could add some of my own CG and then that would be cool. I don't want it to look like south park or anything.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 4 months ago

Yea, I checked out the site but its I lost interest with the Jesus thing.

Flash animation can be a great tool, once again, your problem is finding someone who can do it for you.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 4 months ago

sounds intresting to me. I'll read it!