Behind the Ecto-1

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

(*ray) hey my stepdad knows the guy who made the Ecto-1 car

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

Really? Okay, who was the guy that made the Ecto-1?

by river_of_slime

20 years, 3 months ago

Yea whats the guys name? BTW if you say the wrong name then guess what pal, your dad doesnt know the real guy. I might note i know the guy real name and seen his drawings for both Ecto-1 and Ecto-1a.

by back

20 years, 3 months ago

UH-OH! you got not one, but 2 Ectomobile specialists now! So Who did make them? Please, tell us more.
im gone.

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

oh sorry it took me a little to ask my step dad the guy's name was
Joe Pace he owned a auto body shop in Missouri Called Pace auto body i think that was the exact name … anyway he also did the back to the furture Delorian anyways it (Ecto) is up in display off and on in bartle hall if you know where that is and you live in missouri its also said that when he and his wife got a devorice she (damn it) got Ecto and he got the Delorian

anyways thats all i know ….. (;_ (*ray)

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

Yea whats the guys name? BTW if you say the wrong name then guess what pal, your dad doesnt know the real guy. I might note i know the guy real name and seen his drawings for both Ecto-1 and Ecto-1a.

Harsh man im not trying to steal your light as Ecto freak im just trying to give people some tid bits of facts jeez you make it sound like im gona take your crown of glory sheesh be sides if im wrong im wrong eiter way i know forsure that his car was used for promotional use by the producesers etc. so while im not completely for sure if it was (i just found out how nice lol) the one in the movie which im in no way douting Casue my step dad doesnt as he says blow wind up peoples skirts ( he dont go makeing fales cames for attion) he is just another friendly body man who knows othere friendly body men who work on cool projects so… ya you can have your crown of glory if im wrong and if im right you can still have it….. (*winston) (*peter) (*egon) (*ray)

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

His wife got the Ecto-1 and he got the BTTF Delorean? Huh? If your dad's friend built it, and apprantly lost it in a divorce, why is it on the Sony backlot?

by whoyougonacall

20 years, 3 months ago

well like i said they may have just used his as a promotional car not the real one soorrrrrry jeeze look i also said im not trying to get attion here so….

by river_of_slime

20 years, 3 months ago

I wasnt being negitive all man, its just we had a resent wave of people who are telling me they bought E1 and E1a. Im sorry if i sounded mean but im not a mean person at all. I just know about the Ectos thats all, your step dad might know a guy who built a replica but didnt build the real cars. As of right now Ecto-1 is at Sony and Ecto-1a is at Universal Studios Florida. If you want more info check out my site.

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

who ya gonna call: I owe you a big apology, I let a bias formed by some problem posters treat you with less respect you deserved, I only just read that bit where you mentioned the promotional car after I'd posted and gone offline.

Does your stepfather have any photos of the car which can be placed online?