Ben goes Gothic...

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

So, the night of the 27th was my Uni's campus Halloween party, as it was the last friday before Halloween and the booze ups are usually held on a Friday, such was the date.

I'd originally envisaged to go as a 21st Century Grim Reaper… but the lack of a black suit forced me to shift my perspective a little…

To that or one Mr. Eric Draven.

Note: Apologies about the photo quality… I wasn't in the position to be able to take them as I was of course the subject.

The costume (Which was adopted on the day of the party) comprises of a black T-shirt, black jeans, my ex-army boots, my black full length leather coat, my brother's fingerless gloves and some fairly cheap Halloween face paints.

Simple, but effective… and based on how well it went down I'll likely do Eric again in some years… but better.

The party itself was fun… I was immediately upstaged by the Witch King from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. I also encountered a blond Crow… so there was a sort of ‘two people wearing the same dress’ moment… and maybe a third, but he didn't have a coat. :wink:

There were Ghostbusters, plenty of Ghostbusters… must've been six or seven, and one Stay Puft.

Five people (two separate groups) dressed as Alex and co from A Clockwork Orange, Captain Jack Sparrow, the Phantom of the opera, one of the band members of Kiss and even Jack Skellington.

There was also more then enough men dressed in drag… but the less said about that the better.

The female BCUC lifeguards were fun, though. :wink:

But there were some really cool costumes there, more then I could hope to remember… fun was had by all but the big bloody (literally) blister I had on my right heel is proof of why you should always wear two pairs of socks while wearing ex-army boots.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 4 months ago

<img src = "“>

”theres always one guy that dresses up as the crow and thinks hes hot and gets all the chicks when really no, your just a douchebag…"


(for all those people who saw the south park with satans sweet 16 ) (*peter)

no offense kingpin

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

None taken. Show's a source of good humour, just wish that chicks comment was true. :p

by GBexpert.

18 years, 4 months ago

Kinpin nice costume how come you werent a ghostbuster? I have all ways been a ghostbuster for halloween as long as I can rember execpt for a few years… But that costume is sweet! execpt for the face paint… GOOD WORK!

by fusi0n1

18 years, 4 months ago

Nice one Ben. Simple but effective.

by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

Kinpin nice costume how come you werent a ghostbuster? I have all ways been a ghostbuster for halloween as long as I can rember execpt for a few years… But that costume is sweet! execpt for the face paint… GOOD WORK!

I currently don't have the facilities to build a Proton Pack.. or don't think I have them. I'll likely go as a Ghostbuster in a few years as my jumpsuit should be finished by then… and I could probably mock up a Proton Pack for the occasion… but for some people that stuff comes easily… for others it's harder… such as us Brit Ghostheads…

But it does pay to vary the costume a little every few years… you don't want to become predictable when it comes to Halloween. :p

by gbusterchick68841

18 years, 4 months ago

Hehe! Cool costume! I like it Ben!

by missygirl8520001

18 years, 4 months ago

That's a great looking costume you have there, Ben! (*winston)

by gbray1

18 years, 3 months ago

james o'barr would be proud