Best Cartoons vs Cartoons the make you question humanity

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

(*rant) I'd thought it would be fun to discuss Cartoons that are more powerful than Chuck Norris's Fists VS Cartoons that make you shake your head.

Best Cartoons: The Real Ghostbusters, Extreme Ghostbusters, Mortal Kombat: Defenders of the Realm, Superman the Animated series, Batman the Animated series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, GI-JOE.

Whats the deal with Filmation's Ghostbusters?? (*egon)

by Frosty

16 years, 11 months ago

The deal with Filmation's Ghostcrappers is that it was made in a time when cartoons really were made just for tiny tots. In other words, they TRIED to make it unintelligent and stupid. This was pretty much standard protocol up until the mid-eighties when people started discovering anime and American animators had to start adjusting their product to keep up with the growing 18-to-24 market for cartoons. Fox was really the first company to fully adapt to the more mature tastes of its cartoon viewers by taking a bit from the Tracey Ulman show and turning it into a highly successful cartoon show: The Simpsons. Then the early nineties came and just about every cartoon made was written in such a way as to be entertaining to the college crowd as well as the kiddies. Thankfully.

Aaaaanyway. Some of my favorite cartoons are: Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Welcome to Eltingville, Home Movies, Lucy: TDOTD, Transformers and Thundercats.

Some of the most awful are: The Paw Paw Bears, Flinstones Kids, Muppet Babies, Yo-Yo-Yogi. and Tom and Jerry Kids.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

You guys DO realize that filmation is technically the original Ghostbusters right? The cartoon is suppose to be a sequel to the live aciton 70s series. Although I never really liked either of them. I especially don't like the fact that they got a DVD release, and we didn't when RGB was way more popular and succesful. (*rant)

Anyway, favourite cartoons; He-man and the Masters of the Universe (orignal and remake are good), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Back to the Future (yeah, there was a cartoon), The Tick, Inspector Gadget.

Pretty much what else was mentioned too. Worst cartoons? Gadget Boy, the Slimer! mini cartoons, Robocop: Alpha Commando. Wow, that series was so bad, I wounder if the writer for this cartoon even saw the Robocop films.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Ahhh I love cartoons! Although I can't get into as many of today's cartoons as old ones. I try watching cartoons, they I just don't get into them like the old ones, I can't really figure out why I don't like as many of today's cartoons. Growing up Saturday morn. was my favorite time of the week, man I used to get so hyped over them. How come cartoons aren't as succesful as they used to be? Anyways here's some of my favs.

The Real Ghostbusters
Spider-Man (90s series, Unlimited, MTV version, Spectacular)
TMNT (Original, Next Mutation, Current, Fast-Forward)
Super Mario Bros. (SuperShow, 3, World)
X-Men (Original, Revolution)
DragonBall (Orginal, Z, GT)
Pokemon (Too Many To List)
The Legend of Zelda
Sonic The Hedgehog
Captain Planet
South Park
Family Guy
Ren & Stimpy
Street Fighter
King Arthur and the Knights of Justice (Thanks to you guys for finding this one out for me!)
Aladdin (TV Series)
Highlander The Animated Series
.Hack (Every Series)
Yu-Gi-Oh (Only First 2 Seasons)
Chip N Dale's Rescue Rangers
Karas: The Prophecy (Not Sure If It's A Series, Only Seen It As This Movie)

There we go, I know the list is long, but I own hundreds of movies, and I own a decent amount of these so I only had to remember about a third of them. The rest I just wrote down as I went through my collection.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

TMNT (Original, Next Mutation, Current, Fast-Forward)

Next Mutation wasn't a cartoon. It was a live action series, produced (really badly) by Saban Entertainment.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

I wanna say cartoons that i do not like. Note: Not trying to offend.

Captin Planet. I'm all for some one helping mother nature, but this rips off DC comics. Talking to a lady in a crystal. Like in Superman II? PPL with rings that gives them power? You Mean like The Green Lanters?

South Park. Just offensive.

Filmations Ghostbusters. I bought the 1st seson. when i saw it, i thought it was a spin-off of some kind of The Real Ghostbusters. I turned it off after 10 min. and less self-respect. :-)

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Captin Planet. I'm all for some one helping mother nature, but this rips off DC comics. Talking to a lady in a crystal. Like in Superman II? PPL with rings that gives them power? You Mean like The Green Lanters?

Green Lantern. And technically, the lady in the crystal was Superman's mother, who is already long dead, so he wasn't really talking to her. He was talking to a MEMORY.

But whatever, I never liked the show either.

Filmations Ghostbusters. I bought the 1st seson. when i saw it, i thought it was a spin-off of some kind of The Real Ghostbusters

How could you of thought that, when this show came on BEFORE The Real Ghostbusters? Check the date on the box, it was on well before our cartoon. Too bad you didn't look around first, you just wasted your money lol.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 11 months ago

How could you of thought that, when this show came on BEFORE The Real Ghostbusters? Check the date on the box, it was on well before our cartoon. Too bad you didn't look around first, you just wasted your money lol.
To bad for me i learned it came out before The REAL real Ghostbusters. as for looking at the date, i simply neglected to do that. oopsy. my bad. to bad i wasted $$, i know. we all make mistakes, like the makers of Filmations ghost busters. that cartoon is so bad, i wont even spell it right. lol :p

by Zombie

16 years, 11 months ago

My favourites:
TRGB(Of course)
Tiny Toons Adventures
Batman TAS. I love Bruce Timm's designs as well as the great voice performance, especially Mark Hamill's Joker.
Duck Tales.
Gravedale High.

Most cartoon I hate are not from my childhood but the ones that shown on tv today.

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah I know that now about Captain Planet, but when I was a little kid I liked it. I was too young to really understand the stuff about the planet. Hell our town didn't even set up it's one whole recycling area, that just consists of some rusty dumpsters that have peeled away labels untill about 6 or 7 yrs ago, lol. Actually n/m it's not funny b/c they're set-up in the parking lot that's right beside my house, and I think a kid died there 3 weeks ago. A lot of the neighborhood kids play around the dumpsters, and then there was the article in the newspaper about the kid and they said they were gonna build something to make it safer and all they did was put up a 7 x 7 inch sign that says do not play around.

Anyways I just liked Captain Planet when I was a kid b/c of all the powers. The rings they wore is the only reason I liked it, I wanted some rings like that when I was little, I used to pretend my ring pops were those rings. Since they came in different colors, that was my different elements.

As far as the TMNT Next Mutation goes, thats my bad I meant Ninja Tribunal or The Lost Episodes. When I was looking at the list on the website to find out the name of the Lost Episodes that are airing right now. I wrote down the wrong one, but actually thanks for mentioning that b/c now I can look into them and watch them.

You said that they weren't very good? What were they about? I love TMNT but I don't wanna go looking for the DVDs or Torrents if they really don't sound appealing. I know it was prolly awhile ago, but if you remember anything about it post it up here I'd appreciate it, thanks in advance.