Best decade for movies ever?...

by BlueWaveGB

21 years ago

Well I like movies from every decade dont get me wrong. The 90s was the explosion of special effects, the 70s sortve revived filmaker. The 50s and 60s had a number of movies by Alfred Hithcock whos one of my favorites. But overall I have to go with the 80s. Theres just so many films that I think are really good. We got one star wars film, 3 Indiana Jones films, the Back to the Future trilogy, Beverly HIlls Cop, Stripes, Goonies, Terminator 1, all of John Hughes best films. And thats when all the SNL guys were making their some of their best comedies along with the guys from SCTV of course.

by Ect0

21 years ago

80's definitely have had the best movies.

by DocRyedale

21 years ago

by FettsBounty

21 years ago


by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years ago

Hands down, the 1980s! If the era wasn't the way it was, you'd have seen the 1990s mirror the 1980s. Then Ghostbusters would have looked very 1970ish in the 1980s. Ok, now let's see someone repeat what I just said three times fast . Haha! One of my favorite teen movies back then was “Just One of the Guys”. Its funny and exhibits every 80s teens cliche` you can think of and it wasn't even a John Hughes flick :p .

by Spike

21 years ago

Definitly the 80s, but early to mid 90s deserves a mention too L(

by cj1

21 years ago

It's a tie really: The 1940s had some of the most stylish and noirish movies ever made with guys like Bogart, Stewart, Cagney, Hepburn, and Grant on the screen making acting look easy. And the directors made their profession look even easier.

Then there's the 1980s, a time when movies were really movies. None of the big budget spectaculars of the 1990s were apparent here, just working man films about anything. Gremlins, Ghostbusters, Goonies, Cat People, Conan the Barbarian, ET, the BTTF and Indy trilogies, and too many more to name. The effects didn't look fake and the acting wasn't terrible. And my favorite John Hughes movies will forever be The Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles.

by BlueWaveGB

21 years ago

Dr. Riddle
I agree with you guys, the 1980's. 2nd place would be the 1990's, I think. And Dane, don't forget, we also had two Star Wars films in the 1980's, too. :-)
My bad, I forgot Empire came out in 80s.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years ago

I say the 80's and the late 70's.

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years ago

While I agree about movies coming out in all the decades already mentioned, the 21st Century has brought out some really great movies that are reminscient of older movies. For example, Memento and Following (Following may not be a recognizable name compared to Memento but both were directed by Christopher Nolan) both use the film noir style of filmmaking in them and both were excellent movies, confusing to watch and really made you think about what was going on in them.