Best In Plastics idles about 120 workers


18 years, 3 months ago

This is an article about the plant I worked at suddenly closed. I'm so pissed; this couldn't have happened at a better time of the year. Monday night, I was on my way to work and arrived at the plant and discovered there was no one around and there was a sign on the door saying: “Best in Plastics Corp. is closed indefinitely.”

by secrecyguy

18 years, 3 months ago

Sorry to hear that. I wish you luck in getting a new job.

by JerseyDevil

18 years, 3 months ago

Apparently they weren't Best In Plastics, but worst.
Good Luck on the job search (I'm outta work, too)


18 years, 3 months ago

JerseyDevil wrote:
Apparently they weren't Best In Plastics, but worst.
Good Luck on the job search (I'm outta work, too)

It's funny that you should say that, because people I worked with and I would call the place WIPCO. (Worst in Plastics Co.) :-)

by gozergirl

18 years, 2 months ago

aw, too bad good luck finding a new job!

by onionheadedfreak

18 years, 2 months ago

they didn't give any prior notice? that seems odd.
sorry to hear about the job loss. good luck with finding a new one.


18 years, 2 months ago

onionheadedfreak wrote:
they didn't give any prior notice? that seems odd.
Nope, no notice. The Bank forced it to close and froze all their accounts. Here is a link to the news article:
Thanks everyone. JerseyDevil, sorry to here your out of work too; hope you find work soon.