Manhattan High School 3:00 pm
The students have just been released from class and they are now in the main area, like usual teens do, they just talk whatever. among them is Oscar Barret.
Oscar: so um, what re you planning to do to night?
Girl: well i……
all of a sudden a large green ghost with glowing yellow eyes flies over Oscar ad the girl from the right side.
Oscar: what the hell!
then from out of the 200's building, a proton beam shoots out and grabs the ghost, then 2 more proton beams shoot out from the food court and grab the ghost.
Venkman(distant): Oscar! get out of here!
Venkman who is now in his mid 30's is on the second floor of the 200's building, which is 15 feet high.
Stanz: be careful up there pete!
Spengler: try to hold him as much as you can!
the ghost pulls venkman off the second floor and venkman is now dangling from his proton beam.
Stanz: oh my god!
Oscar: DAD!
Venkman: get out of here Oscar, NOW!
Stanz: throw the trap!
Spengler throws the trap and the trap opens and sucks the ghost in.
Venkman falls 15 feet down, injuring his leg.
Venkman: Ray!, help me up!
Stanz dosent do nothing, Spengler is doing nothing either to help Venkman.
Venkman: What the hell's going on here!
Spengler: Venkman, we found out about your past, youre a drug dealer. im sorry to say, youre fired.
Oscar runs to the aid of his father Venkman.
Fade out.
Title appears: GB3: HellBent
(im trying to creat an event that lead the original GB's to break up and causing Egon to create the EGB's.