Best opening scene for GB3, what would it be?

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 2 months ago

*shot of the 4 GB's standing in a vacant street while it pours rain; a gigantic flipper-foot smashes down Godzilla style in front of them*

Winston: Alright guys, the marshmallow man… we turned him into Cool Whip fairly easy. The walking statue of liberty… I could jive with that.

Egon takes a shot at the leviathan creature with his proton pack. It goes straight through and the creature regenerates.


The other 3 GBs turn to him, and say: “Naaahhh.”

*The camera pans up and we see Cthulhu in all his 100-foot-tall glory.*

by Ghostbuster-x

21 years, 1 month ago

It’s a hot summers day in New York. The camera is just above the statue of liberty, where it comes down slowly looking over the water at the city. As it slowly comes down from top to near bottom of the statue it starts to move in on the city. This is good as the audience are just being settled. As I said the camera starts moving over the water at a nice speed to focused on the city as it approach’s it.

The next clip takes us to a city road with people doing normal things as they do in there lunch hour. The road is busy, as it is the lunch hour taxi’s hooting at each other and shouting, a woman is walking with a sandwich in her hand, then it shows another woman with two children are at a hot dog stand getting a hot dog each, all of a sudden a strong wind builds the camera is focused on the whole street as it starts to rumble people are screaming getting out their car’s trying to run the road is shaking with sock waves and starts cracking up taxis and cars start lifting up from rear to front (Like the Matrix driving scene) Man hole lid’s start shooting in the air with red fire steam shooting up rapidly, Woman men and children are screaming then a big powerful read horrible looking Ghost shoots out of one of the manholes you only see the back of the ghost surrounded by fire as it swoops from in the air to a screaming woman the camera view that the audience are seeing is from the air gradually coming down to this woman who’s knelt down with her hands at the side of her head screaming at the front of a turned over car, That’s where the music comes in then as soon as the camera which is meant to be the Ghost gets right up to the screaming woman a GB3 symbol comes up then the music kicks in.

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 1 month ago

These look awesome! (*peter)

by jewy1

21 years, 1 month ago

i think it should open with something that is going on in the world like the 9/11 and stuff. theres this book that predicts the end of the world and says when the king from the west meets the king of the east its the end of the world. i think it should show the the battle field and the first soldier of war gets killed and suddenly theres a crack in the ground and steam starts coming out but not alot and as the war goes on the crack gets bigger and suddenly ghostbusting gets harder and they need to add more team members. the guys put to and to together and realize that its the start of the ending of the world and if theres another WW then its the end on the world.
its just a small thought but theres room for improvments (*peter)

by FloorOfATaxiCab

21 years, 1 month ago

Not to be TOO critical of a post that's dipping into your creativity, However, I feel it would be best for the next Ghostbusters movie (if there is one), would be best served to ignore the 9/11 tragedy, and not make any references too it whatsoever. While I can see your story angle, many would find it disrespectful and demeaning to many Americans, to almost…degrade the tragedy, and make it a major plot point in a movie that's supposed to take us away from reality, and make us laugh a little. Incorporating such a storyline would make Ghostbusters a far too serious film, and would take the ease and innocence away from it. Don't be offended…but I am positive it would create controversy and many would interpret that plot point as trivializing the 9/11 tragedy…regardless of how you intended it to come across. That's just my .02 cents though.

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 1 month ago

I can't imagine a 9/11 Ghostbusters beginning, except maybe briefly with Peter looking at the memorial .

Tha's jus' me. (*ray)

by matthew1

20 years, 6 months ago

There were quite a few complaints about the fact that the Titanic was used in ghostbusters 2 and that was 77 years later.

by jka12002

20 years, 6 months ago

Manhattan High School 3:00 pm

The students have just been released from class and they are now in the main area, like usual teens do, they just talk whatever. among them is Oscar Barret.

Oscar: so um, what re you planning to do to night?
Girl: well i……

all of a sudden a large green ghost with glowing yellow eyes flies over Oscar ad the girl from the right side.

Oscar: what the hell!


then from out of the 200's building, a proton beam shoots out and grabs the ghost, then 2 more proton beams shoot out from the food court and grab the ghost.

Venkman(distant): Oscar! get out of here!

Venkman who is now in his mid 30's is on the second floor of the 200's building, which is 15 feet high.

Stanz: be careful up there pete!
Spengler: try to hold him as much as you can!

the ghost pulls venkman off the second floor and venkman is now dangling from his proton beam.

Stanz: oh my god!
Oscar: DAD!

Venkman: get out of here Oscar, NOW!
Stanz: throw the trap!

Spengler throws the trap and the trap opens and sucks the ghost in.

Venkman falls 15 feet down, injuring his leg.

Venkman: Ray!, help me up!

Stanz dosent do nothing, Spengler is doing nothing either to help Venkman.

Venkman: What the hell's going on here!

Spengler: Venkman, we found out about your past, youre a drug dealer. im sorry to say, youre fired.

Oscar runs to the aid of his father Venkman.

Fade out.

Title appears: GB3: HellBent

(im trying to creat an event that lead the original GB's to break up and causing Egon to create the EGB's.

by andy1

20 years, 6 months ago

I really don't like any of these so far for a Ghostbusters opening. Not that they're crap or you're not being creative, but they don't work as an opening.

The opening shouldn't show the Ghostbusters in it at all - the other films didn't (and even the new comic book) and it's best to introduce the ghosts before the busters.

I also don't like the idea of the Ghostbusters catching or chasing a ghost so early. There's a lot more to Ghostbusters than just catching ghosts - I mean we only see a single bust in each movie. Also I hate the idea of them training a new team. I think this movie should be a “we're too old for this sh*t” thing.

by demonaz

20 years, 6 months ago

I definately think that Oscar should be one of the new Ghostbusters.