Best opening scene for GB3, what would it be?

by ivoshandor1

20 years, 6 months ago

Hmm..good point about no Ghostbusters being in the first two movies' opening scenes.

With the third, however, I feel this tradition could be broken.

I like the idea of having Pete and Oscar doing something together, but I think one opening that could work is Pete and Dana, both now in their early 50s, walking through a park. They could be sharing a bit of funny chit chat, nothing serious, to show the audience that Pete is happily married and retired from ghostbusting.

Maybe they walk out of frame, and the camera zooms in on something happening behind them, something that they did not even notice as they walked past. Maybe something ghostly is watching them, with a sinister interest…

Then fade in the music, logo, etc…and then show the other members of the team, presumably also retired and working on other things.

This kind of opening might not do it for action fans, though. Maybe today it's best to start off with a bang, really grab the audience's attention.

P.S. Hate the idea of Oscar as a Ghostbuster. Hate, hate, hate it.

by stanzOrama

19 years, 12 months ago

I dont have a script, but here's my idea of a storyboard. Egon & Ray & Winston sitting in lounge chairs talking, while looking at pictures of the GB's saving the world from Gozer and Viggy, then Ray picks up a framed picture of Janine and Louis at their weddings, and says “times sure have changed”. Then Winston says “yea, but atleast Peter & Dana finally married”.
Egon- Yea but it's a shame Peter isn't a GB anymore.
Ray-Retirement fund.
Winston-Yea Right ray, one word why peter's not here….“Dana”.

Egon looks at his watch, its time u guys. Let's go.

The gb trio is gettin an award for their achievements for rescuing NEW YORK so many times.

As Winston and Egon stand there awaiting Ray, Egon and Winston begin a convo.
Wiston-How u think Ray is doing coping through this?
Egon-he's doing quite well, I really dont think he'd be acting any different to the loss of Venkman, we're all sad with Peter's decision to quit but we can't change his mind. There's Ray let's go. We're gonna be late.
WInston its only 7:28 we dont have to be there till 9. WHat are we supposed to do till then?

Egon-I dont know.

(Ray rolls up in the Ecto 1a) Egon & Winston fill into the car)
Dana, Peter, & Oscar are at the Lifetime of Achievements for The Ghostbusters works for the city of New York. Lenny the ex-Mayor is acrossed from them.
Peter- Hey Lenny, how u doing?
Lenny- Don't talk to me Vankman. I'm only here for the food.
Dana-Peter why do u have to draw attention to yourself?
Peter- Me? Attention? Hhmph never.
Oscar-Mommy when's Ray gettin here?!?
Dana- I dont know honey, calm down.
Its now 7:55pm Ecto 1a pulls up in front of Radio Music Hall. Out jumps Ray, Egon, Winston. The car waiter/vele(Jake Gylaanhale) looks at Ray and says hey I remember u, I had a model of the Ecto.
Ray: Yea ok, just dont wreck the thing ok?
Jakes character sure thing boss.
Egon-precisely right on time.
Winston-another hour of waiting?
Ray-Let's go see if Venkey's here.
Once inside, catering company personal have been losing staff and employees all nite, not to mention foods been disappearing. A women goes to a snack machine, but once she gets to it, she sees a green lowing light, she spookes and runs down the hall way, and goes around the turn n runs smack into Ray & Winston.

Ray-screaming fans, I love it!
Winston- Yea Right.
Ray- ma'am what's wrong?
The woman-points down the hallway.
Ray-come on Winston lets go check it out.
Peter and dana's talking and in comes Egon.
Egon-Pleased to see u Dr. Venkman.
Egon-smiles. Hello Dana. Oscar.
Oscar hi egon.
Dana-How's Ray Egon?
Egon-He's fine. How's Peter?
Dana-U know Peter.
Egon- Unfortuantely I do too well.
Peter-what do u say Egon, let's go have a look for Ray & Winston, shall we?
Egon-Ok Peter.
Egon-so Peter if we need u to train new Gb's will u be associating us?
Peter-sure, absolutely, but no more Ghostbusting.
Peter- so where the heck is Ray & Winston?
AT the snack machines, Ray & Winston looks at the ecto-plasm sliding down the keys.
Ray-Looks Familiar….
Egon-Ray what are u doing?
Peter-Can't u two just order a plate of cookies?
Peter-Whoa looks familiar. WHat do u think Egon?
Egon-Hmmm ecto plasm residue.
Winson- sure has been awhile.
Ray-looks at Peter, that it has.
Peter- The Spud!
Ray-EGon! Quick Duck!
Peter-Oh Brother…..
Slimer slimes Peter again….
Peter-figures, where's the packs?
Egon-where else in the Ecto!
The 4 OGB's race to the Ecto 1A for the Packs. They find Jake Gylanhales character standing next to sum friends.
Ray-kid where'd u park the Ecto?
Jake-over there why?
Egon-Thank You.
Jake-whats going on, is there a ghost whats happening?
Winston-sit tight kid, this dont concern u.
Jake runs to the ecto with the GB's.
Ray-opens the tail gate & pulls the sliding board out.
Ryan(Jake Gylanhaals' character) I knew it, retirement isn't anytime soon.
Peter-shut up kid.
Winston & Ray, pull 2 packs out n put em on Egon & Peters backs.
Peter-I've always hated this part.
Egon-Yea me too.
Ray-Winston gimme a hand here.
Ray-closes the tail gate.
Ryan-lemme help too.
Ray, Egon, Peter & WInston-No Kid.
As they make their ways back inside.
Dana comes up to Peter, just can't put the Proton Pack down huh?
Peter- No. The spud is back. He slimed me.
Dana-Oh. Have u seen Oscar?
Suddenly Oscar's missing.
Then the spud pops out through the wall.
Peter-Finally, A Rematch!
Ray-Guess the containment unit wasn't the bahama's huh?
Peter-Lil Spud come here!
Peter & Ray-Throw It!
Winston with the trap.
Winston-Got the buger.
Peter-Yea, U dont want none.
Egon wit PK Meter…Umm Ray this looks bad….
Ray-what is it Egon?
Peter-U kno Egon, I seriously resent giving u the candybar.
Winston-WHat is it EGon?
Suddenly the room turns all dark, a closest door opens up and out comes Sam Hain, he quickley grabs Oscar & Peter, and runs to the door.
Peter-turns his proton pack on, then in return Sam Hain drops both peter and oscar, but its too late the spark from the proton pack blows up from warped cylinders, and the room explodes, leaving Oscar thrown, and Sam Hain escapes, and theres no sign of Peter……

The GB 3 Logo pops up…
Ray Parker Jr….starts playing…
Credits roll!