Doc Fritz
I know I know but for me I just mainly love the effects of the first 3, granted the time difference makes a huge difference, and in those days that cg was super advanced, I just like that there more jedi, more lightsaber battles, more bang and flash, lol. I'm not that big a fan of episode 1, but for me sometimes the last 3 get too boring, I like story and all but I need a lot of pizzaz so to say. I'm not a big fan of Hans solo and I dont like how Ben Kenobi just doesn't seem that powerful, everyone just seemed more bada$$ in the first 3. Also I'm scared to say it but I actually liked Hayden playing Anakin, I'm probably the only one from what others say, also I do like how they added him in the remastered version, alright I'm outta here before I dig myself too deep, lol.
Don't apologize. I grew up with the Original Trilogy (I was six in 1977, 12 in 1983–I was the target audience) but to me the Prequels are just as amazing. Watching the originals without the blinders of nostalgia, the acting isn't really that much better, and there's plenty of hokey dialog to go around in all six movies. And is Jar Jar really all that much cornier than some of the droid schtick in the originals? No, not really.
And yeah, the Jedi in action are amazing. After watching them tear into each other in Ep. 3 the final battle between Vader and Obi-Wan in Ep. 4 is…well, kind of embarrassingly ponderous.
After seeing it, I had to approve of having Hayden show up in Ep.6. He IS Anakin Skywalker, and it carries a lot more emotional resonance seeing the guy we saw rise and fall in two movies than some other guy who could really be just about anyone. I think Lucas could have short circuited some of the bitching about that, though, by maybe taking the time to make Hayden look a little older for that shot. :-)
I still consider Ep.5 the best, but Ep. 3 is very close behind. And after the prequels, I actually think Ep.6 is a lot better–the scenes with Vader, Luke, and Sidius have a lot more depth now that we know all the backstory
oh I won't argue with the fact that the originals have their cheese factor too. It was a sign of the times… but seriously honestly no bull crap, did we seriously need to have darth vader be the maker of threepio? what was that? (*rant) Nostalgia may be blinding me to some things, but I think realistically that and the midichlorians
and jar jar
and the episode 1 yoda puppet
and Nooooooo
and overdone cgi
and r2 with rockets
and palpatine's convoluted scheme. Sifo Dyas still boggles me.
and the poor writing
and padme and anakin in the grass
force ghost after thought
and hovering inches from lava
Palpatine's body shrivelling being a weird accident that barely is explained by the force lightning reflection idea some have come up with…
(Oh now all the images of palpatine screwing up his face in terrible overracting from Mcdirmad have come into my mind again… ugh
was just dumbness from Lucas than me somehow not seeing the prequels through a star wars virgin's eyes. Some things were just stupid. Grievous for example. Most. Pointless. villain. Ever.
I view those movies as Lucas having too much freedom to add the kitchen sink. If he was given some constructive criticism instead of gushing adoration from his employees, those films would have easily been masterpieces, each one of them. the fx are brilliant. the music is brilliant. where they're weak all lands on Lucas poor writing and directing and that kills me… He didn't have to direct and write all three. He's not very good at it. What should have happened was the scenario that gave us empire.
edit: and oh god why was chewbacca in revenge?