Beyond Good and Evil...Again

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

According to the new issue of Game Informer…it looks like one of Ubisofts most underrated games of 2003 is finally getting a sequel:
Going Beyond Good and Evil
Ubisoft Franchise Returns For Sequel

Micheal Ancel’s last generation classic Beyond Good and Evil wasn’t a commercial success, but fans of the original have been clamoring for a sequel. Now they are going to get their wish. Publisher/developer Ubisoft has announced that Beyond Good and Evil 2 (tentative title) – which is already in preproduction – will be released some time in the future.

There are no official platforms for the title yet, but the game’s first trailer has already been shown. In it, the camera zooms upon a broken-down hovercar on a desert world. Waiting patiently under an umbrella is an unknown woman (presumably BG&E’s Jade), while Pey’J slumbers with a magazine draped over his head to provide some shade from the sun. His nap is interrupted by a pesky insect, which after a struggle is sucked into his snout. While the camera pans out, another bug is added to Pey’J’s count as both characters wait for unknown help.

I loved the original Beyond Good and Evil…I cannot wait for the sequel!

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 7 months ago

I own a copy for the xbox. but it won't let me play it cause they didn't realese a update for it ;.;

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Really? I thought that was one of the early ones they made reverse compatible. To be honest though if compability with 360 hasn’t been established yet it doesn’t surprise me considering how financial unsuccessful that game was.

Your right, it hasn’t been I remember now. I remember several of my friends were mad at the fact that games like Fuzion Frenzy was compatible upon release of the 360 and BG&E was not…and like you mentioned earlier….still isn’t

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 7 months ago

it's a great game. but it just doesn't work. meanwhile I meep myself busy with dreamfall TLJ another under rated game.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

They either need to make BG&E reverse compatible or make it an Original game for download…either would be cool

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 7 months ago

yes, yes it would be very cool but it might not happen.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I am sure it a 360 release were concreted that it would likely happen just prior to release of the sequel.

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 7 months ago

Y'know the game is like $5 on PS2 used, right?

by Brendan_M

16 years, 7 months ago

That's a really good deal.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

indeed and PS2's and Gamecubes are relatively cheap if you do not have one…