Beyond Good and Evil...Again

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 7 months ago

$89.99 for used Slim, 129.99 for New Slim, 79.99 for used Fat PS2.

Gamecubes are $29.99
Original Xboxes are 59.99

Yaaay for working at Gamestop.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

$89.99 for used Slim, 129.99 for New Slim, 79.99 for used Fat PS2.

Gamecubes are $29.99
Original Xboxes are 59.99

Yaaay for working at Gamestop.

LOL. Like I said….relatively cheap. Wouldn't happen to know if respective BG&E versions are reverse compatible with the PS3 or the Wii would ya

by Brendan_M

16 years, 7 months ago

Think of the savings eh?

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 7 months ago

$89.99 for used Slim, 129.99 for New Slim, 79.99 for used Fat PS2.

Gamecubes are $29.99
Original Xboxes are 59.99

Yaaay for working at Gamestop.

LOL. Like I said….relatively cheap. Wouldn't happen to know if respective BG&E versions are reverse compatible with the PS3 or the Wii would ya

Wii's can play Gamecube Games, and everything under it was downloadable. From NES to N64.

20GB, 60GB, and 80GB PS3's play PS2 Games.
20 and 60GB's are discontinued; however for $500 there's the 80GB PS3 bundled with Metal Gear Solid 4. Almost impossible to find.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I assumed that both the Wii and PS3 played the previous generations games through emulation like the 360…which is why I was asking if there was any compatibility issues with them..

by Ecto_Dude

16 years, 7 months ago

Oh. Not that I know of aside from Sony's big-ass on not making all their systems Backwards compatible. The Wii plays Gamecube games perfectly.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 7 months ago

I might end up getting a gamecube just to play BG&E again

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Same thought came to my mind…