by Ectoman57

18 years ago

I want to buy some comics from and i was wondering if they are reliable? also how much do they charge for shipping?

by doctorvenkman1

18 years ago

Graham Crackers is very reliable. They package everything well and I always got my orders on time. Shipping costs should be available on their site.

by Guido75

18 years ago

i only order from them

by Clavet

18 years ago

VERY reliable. They are nice too


by Spengler7

18 years ago

Amen to that…


18 years ago

They're good, but not always the best deal. Shop around at other sites before you commit. I will say this, though; they got these special deals that end up taking $5 off your order, and as shipping was usually $5 for me it was like getting free shipping. But, as I said, shop around. No sense paying more if you can avoid it.

by weepel

18 years ago

They're good, but not always the best deal. Shop around at other sites before you commit. I will say this, though; they got these special deals that end up taking $5 off your order, and as shipping was usually $5 for me it was like getting free shipping. But, as I said, shop around. No sense paying more if you can avoid it.

yeah I agree. I usually get my stuff off of ebay and from looking at GCC I've saved a lot of money. I think I got The Real Ghostbusters comics 1-18 for only like 20 bucks on ebay. They're all in great shape and that's a lot less then what I would have spent at Graham Crackers.


18 years ago

I got most of my GB comics off Ebay, plugging up the holes with GCC. Was a pretty good deal.