Bigger Winston Role In GBIII.

by Cutsman

18 years ago

This may be a stupid thought, but im sure someone, somewhere is thinking the same thing. Winston was the every-man of the group. The working class Ghostbuster you could say. Maybe he wasn't the sharpest knive in the drawer, but he deserves a bigger role.

Sometimes I want to hear views from someone normal, without the degrees, and prior knowlege of the supernatural. In Ghostbusters II, I felt we didn't get enough of that. It's almost like Winston is on a different level than the other three. Granted Peter, Ray, and Egon started up the buisness, but Winston was there when they kicked Gozer's ass, and when they sent Vigo packin'. We need to know where he came from, why he stuck with them. Let's hear his side of the story. Like when him, and Ray were chatting torwards the end of Ghostbusters about Revelations. Like alot of working-class America, he wondered if the Bible came into play in any of the happenings going on. I felt we needed more of that.

Aside from just the character, I think it does justice to Ernie Hudson also. He's the only one that openly acknowleges the role nowadays. Im sure he deals with more GB fans than the rest have ever dreamed of.


by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Hell yeah! Ernie deserves a bigger role in possible sequels. I think all 4 of ‘em should have equal screentime, personally. His part would have been much bigger in GB2 if he had just been there when they’re drilling Manhattan and when they're battling the Scoleri Bros in the courtroom. I understand why he didn't have a bigger part in the first, because he was just starting. But in the sequel, there is no excuse.

by Guido75

18 years ago

cutsman u stole the words right out of my mouth that i have been searching for, for quite some time now. Ernie is the man.

by fusi0n1

18 years ago

Couldn't agree more. He was the everyday man, the one the majority of us could relate to.

Definitely up his time in GB3, even delving a little into what he did between GB1 and GB2 wouldn't hurt.

by fixer791

18 years ago

Amen to that!
Couldn't agree more…

Also, if it wouldn't have been for Winston, Dan and Harry's characters would've burnt to death in their darkroom when the Vigo pictures caught fire…
I've always liked that scene… Ernie saved the day bigtime

by JerseyDevil

18 years ago

I agree. IF (& this is a big if) a 2nd sequel made it onto celluloid, I feel that Peter's character might've gone into semi-retirement or PT status. This would allow Winston to step up to the plate & get the screen time he deserves.

by DocFritz

18 years ago

Say what you will about “GB2 was too much like the cartoons blah blah blah”, I think this is one area most of us will agree GB2 wasn't enough like RGB. In the cartoons, Winston is an equal to the other three. In GB2 he seemed mostly like an afterthought.

by Flashmaster5000

18 years ago

Hell yeah! Ernie deserves a bigger role in possible sequels. I think all 4 of ‘em should have equal screentime, personally. His part would have been much bigger in GB2 if he had just been there when they’re drilling Manhattan and when they're battling the Scoleri Bros in the courtroom. I understand why he didn't have a bigger part in the first, because he was just starting. But in the sequel, there is no excuse.

i know a perfect excuse (not that i like it mind you, it just made sense story wise)
he wasnt there while they were jack-hammerin 1st avenue to “fix the phones in Greenwich Village” because they werent in buisness then. they was just bein scientists…doin their researchin thing. Winston aint no science man. he was just some blue-collar, workin there.

but i dont know why he ran like a twerp when those two ghosts were flyin around the courtroom, and didnt stick around when they needed a stiff ass kickin…maybe they didnt have 4 proton packs in the court?

by DSucrose

18 years ago

In my opinoin, Ghostbusters II suffers from playing it safe by following too closely to the plot structure of the first movie - the writing reason that Winston is rarely involved in the first part of the second movie is because he wasn't there in the first part of the first movie.

The court room scene in Ghostbusters II is the Slimer scene in Ghostbusters I (replace Peter's “We came, we saw” line with the trio's “Two in the box” line) (though, ironically, in Ghostusters II, Peter seems to take Winston's role as the guy that Ray and Egon explain things to, unfortunately making Winston even more valueless in the movie).

Dan Aykroyd fell into the same trappings with his Blues Brothers sequel (even more so).

Hopefully, if a Ghostbusters III comes to fruition, there'll be a few changes to this structure - Winston actually amounting to anything worthwhile would be great.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

]In my opinoin, Ghostbusters II suffers from playing it safe by following too closely to the plot structure of the first movie - the writing reason that Winston is rarely involved in the first part of the second movie is because he wasn't there in the first part of the first movie.

The court room scene in Ghostbusters II is the Slimer scene in Ghostbusters I (replace Peter's “We came, we saw” line with the trio's “Two in the box” line) (though, ironically, in Ghostusters II, Peter seems to take Winston's role as the guy that Ray and Egon explain things to, unfortunately making Winston even more valueless in the movie).

Dan Aykroyd fell into the same trappings with his Blues Brothers sequel (even more so).

Hopefully, if a Ghostbusters III comes to fruition, there'll be a few changes to this structure - Winston actually amounting to anything worthwhile would be great.

That was the big problem with the movie.