Bigger Winston Role In GBIII.

by matthew1

17 years, 11 months ago

I watched an interview with Ernie Hudson and Harold ramis on Youtube the other day where they were talking about Ghostbusters. Ernie said that when he read the original script his character came in on page 6. When he was sent a redraughted version of the script his character then came in on page 40. He was really disappointed. Harold said that it was the management that made this decision and not the writers.

Personally I feel that it is understandable why Winston comes in so late in the original movie. They didn't need to employ anyone up until that point of the movie because they were not that busy to begin with.

However, I don't think that there is any valid reason as to why he is so underused in Ghostbusters II. By this time he is an established member of the team and unlike the first movie his character comes in at the beginning of the movie. He should have taken part in the investigation into finding out why oscars pram stopped in the middle of the street and the subsequent court room scene. He should also have had more lines and funnier ones too.

by UltimateGBfan

17 years, 4 months ago

In the courtroom scene,the way I always thought was that Winston was pushed by the crowd of screaming people and the Scoleri's somehow had the doors jammed shut being why Winston couldn't get back in.

by fusi0n1

17 years, 4 months ago

He should have taken part in the investigation into finding out why oscars pram stopped in the middle of the street and the subsequent court room scene. He should also have had more lines and funnier ones too.
Are you sure? Is this the same Winston that believes in everything you say if there's a steady paycheck in it? Ghostbusters ceased to exist, and they were not employed as GBs at that stage, they were going about it “scientifically”. He probably declined the offer.
But I get where you are coming from, more Winston whereever possible please. By that stage of the movie I wasn't expecting him to take part of the science aspects, but by the end of the movie where we found he had a minor part in it (equal to, if not lesser than) Janine and Louis. I would have preferred him in almost every scene. Him and Peter are who the average joe can relate to.

As to the courtroom scene:
a) it was a “back in business” with the original 3 re-starting the company up again. I can see why they had the original 3 again.
b) Winston knew there was only 3 packs, he would have been just as useful clearing everyone out of the courtroom to let the guys do their job. He would have just been endangering them if he stayed there ‘unarmed’.

by Yehome

17 years, 4 months ago

b) Winston knew there was only 3 packs, he would have been just as useful clearing everyone out of the courtroom to let the guys do their job. He would have just been endangering them if he stayed there ‘unarmed’.

He could have open the trap! :p

by matthew1

17 years, 4 months ago

He should have taken part in the investigation into finding out why oscars pram stopped in the middle of the street and the subsequent court room scene. He should also have had more lines and funnier ones too.
Are you sure? Is this the same Winston that believes in everything you say if there's a steady paycheck in it? Ghostbusters ceased to exist, and they were not employed as GBs at that stage, they were going about it “scientifically”. He probably declined the offer.
But I get where you are coming from, more Winston whereever possible please. By that stage of the movie I wasn't expecting him to take part of the science aspects, but by the end of the movie where we found he had a minor part in it (equal to, if not lesser than) Janine and Louis. I would have preferred him in almost every scene. Him and Peter are who the average joe can relate to.

As to the courtroom scene:
a) it was a “back in business” with the original 3 re-starting the company up again. I can see why they had the original 3 again.
b) Winston knew there was only 3 packs, he would have been just as useful clearing everyone out of the courtroom to let the guys do their job. He would have just been endangering them if he stayed there ‘unarmed’.

I agree with your take on Winston not being included in the scientific investigations due to the fact that he is the only one who isn't a scientist. I do think that he could have been included in the digging up of the street and he definately should have helped to catch the Scoleri bros even if he just had a trap in his hand. I think that having all four members walk out of the court room after catching the Scoleri bros woud've been alot better!

by Yehome

17 years, 4 months ago

Yup, we had Louis instead… :-(

by fusi0n1

17 years, 4 months ago

I agree with your take on Winston not being included in the scientific investigations due to the fact that he is the only one who isn't a scientist. I do think that he could have been included in the digging up of the street and he definately should have helped to catch the Scoleri bros even if he just had a trap in his hand. I think that having all four members walk out of the court room after catching the Scoleri bros woud've been alot better!
Amen to that.

The only GB actor who always has time for the fans is the guy who got the least amount of camera time and lines, is that irony?
(I never get it right, I do know that Alanis Morissette's song “Ironic” contains no irony whatsoever, now that's ironic!)

Can anyone confirm if he had more time devoted to him in RGB? I've slowly been going through the episodes, but find he does have a bit more time but still doesn't feel enough.

by rockmx8

16 years, 9 months ago

That's true, Ernie Hudson is always the all range communicative guy for GB fans it seems these days.