Chad;129461I know I asked a lot in the past for pictures but I'm basically done with all the modeling now so I can't really think of any parts of the car I still need pictures of. Well actually I could use some pictures of where the steering column goes into the dashboard. I been having some trouble positioning the steering wheel, I always feel like it needs adjusting and would like to see some pictures of it from different angles from inside the car so I can be sure it's in the correct spot.
I'm heading to see my car this Wednesday. I can take my HD Camera and get some shots for you. Let me know if you need anything.
Right now I'm just finishing up making all the parts around the dashboard area. Which has been extremely difficult due to all the complicating geometry but I just about got it under control now.
If all goes well I should have this done by 2009. We all been waiting so long for this model to be finished but when it final does get finished it will be well worth the wait.