BigMac's Ecto-1 3D project continues

by Mat.

16 years, 11 months ago

How many hours would you say that you've put into this now? Just from looking at it, it look's like you've put a lot of work into it!

by BigMac

16 years, 11 months ago

I honestly don’t know because in the past when I was working on it I would get so caught up in school and stuff that I would sometimes go for weeks without getting work done. That dragged on for about 2 years. But these days I work on it for about 2 to 3 hours a day everyday so I would say if I hadn’t been so busy the last 2 years I would probably be done now.

All in all I’d say 100’s of hours I put into this. And 100's more I have to go (*ray)

But I really think I'm going to get it finished this year. By 2009 we should all be speeding around GTA in this ECTO-1.

by rockford

16 years, 10 months ago

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

Whilst the door leading into the rear portion of the cabin on the driver's side has a handle on the outside, I don't know if it has one on the inside or even opens with all the computer stuff and interior custom work they did for Ecto-1.

I believe the modifications they made to the mirror in the cabin may have made it bigger, but I'm having a difficult time finding reference from this machine.

by BigMac

16 years, 10 months ago

Yes I know all about the handles on the rear cabin door. The reason I don’t have them on the car right now is because I only have the right side of the car being made and because the handles on the cabin door are on the left side I haven’t got around to putting them on yet.

I always make a copy of the right side and mirror it over to the left side when taking update pictures but really the car is still cut in half down the center.

When I do make the left side I’ll then add in all the parts that go on the left side. Like the cabin door handles and the steering wheel.


I really need someone to take a model ECTO-1 and take a picture of the bottom of the car and send it to me. I need reference because I got to make the cars underbody and need to know where all the stuff goes.

I want a picture from a good model ECTO-1 that will have the underbody of the car close to the real thing.

by Nix

16 years, 10 months ago

Hmm…as far as I know, Kenner did some pretty good work with the underbody of the toy ECTO-1.

Failing that, you could always try the Polar Lights model…good luck finding one, though.

Hope your project turns out all right!

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

Yes I know all about the handles on the rear cabin door. The reason I don’t have them on the car right now is because I only have the right side of the car being made and because the handles on the cabin door are on the left side I haven’t got around to putting them on yet.

You misunderstand, I wasn't complaining about their absence, but more that I wasn't sure if that door on the driver side even opened anymore and might not have an internal handle.

by BigMac

16 years, 10 months ago

Oh, sorry. I thought you meant the very back door, like the one that opens up for the proton packs to come out from.

Yeah in this reference picture I found it looks like that door still opens and has all the handles and stuff on the inside.

by Kingpin

16 years, 10 months ago

Well, I sit corrected.

I figured the door got permanently closed when they built the computer console that occupies that chunk of the rear cabin.

Carry on!

by BigMac

16 years, 9 months ago

I lost around three hours of work today when Zmodeler had some sort of program error and closed out before I could even save all the work I had done. Thank god the program does an auto save every 20 minutes. I never really needed to use the auto save file before but today it really came in handy. The only thing is the program kept crashing repeatedly and I got stuck doing the same thing over and over again before I finally got it to not crash out.

I get really mad when I lose hard work. I was so mad today that I felt sick and lightheaded when it closed out on me.