Bill Murray: A necessity to GB III?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 3 months ago

I tell ya, the beard and the hair DO NOT match! :p

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 3 months ago

I personally think they could pull it off without him. But he wont let them make it.

by cj1

21 years, 3 months ago

It'd be weird to see a GB3 without him, as he's like a portion of the reason GB1 and GB2 did so well (his wiseass comments). Without Venkman, the movie would fail badly. But there are ways to sidestep that problem. Explain away his character's abscene without making it seem like a cop out is one way. Have him appear in a one scene cameo or flashback sequence if they want to say that Venkman died. Those are only some of the ways I figure it would help the film.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 3 months ago

by cj1

21 years, 3 months ago

I read that script, and hated it really. Yeah, to see the originals back in action would be cool, but then think of what's been keeping GB3 from being made thus far and you'd have to think of something else. If I were to co-write GB3 (an impossibility, but you never know) I'd somehow try to make Extreme Ghostbusters the partial focus of the movie. Not that I would have the guys (I would use Egon, Ray, and Winston) seem incompotent, just have the movie set in a style akin to Star Trek 6 by letting the guys go gracefully and busting side by side with the new crew.

by d_osborn

21 years, 3 months ago

Dr. Riddle
I agree, they don't match! :p

Interesting. I think they could pull it off, but I doubt it would be very successful (Unless Aykroyd and Ramis go through a few more drafts.).

The IGN guy who reviewed Aykroyd's first GB III draft prefered to see the original four GBs (Murray/Venkman, Aykroyd/Stantz, Ramis/Spengler, and Hudson/Zeddemore.) strap on their Proton Packs for one last mission together. It's either that, or a politically correct fest following the adventures of a body-pierced New Jersey punker, a dread-locked dude, an uptight gymnast/science grad, a Latino girl, and a prepubescent genius whose powerful brain has made his head abnormally large. :p

Personally, I'd rather see choice #1.
…as i think everyone else would. HOWEVER, there was NOTHING p.c. about aykroyd's first GB3 draft. there was a reason aykroyd didn't make them all young white males…
stax was a little too rough on the script, obviously expecting a sort of re-hash of GB2. if anything, HELLBENT is more like aykroyd's original GB screenplay than another GB2.

by Zedd

21 years, 3 months ago

Nobody likes change, so any little change to the cast at all would be met with a lot of controversy and anger. That being said though, as much as I LOVE Bill Murray (I'm still trying to find his son so at least I can marry into his family ) There are a lot of talented actors out there and no ghostbusters does not NEED Bill Murray.

by Spike

21 years, 3 months ago

I'm not too sure. I suppose the movie could get by without Murray, but Ghostbusters needs Venkman IMO, and I can't see anybody else being able to fill his shoes as Murray did.

by PeterVenkmen

21 years, 3 months ago

Well, it probaly could live without him. I mean, there is a simple way to write the PV character out. 1, is to kill him off. 2, have him retired from ghostbusting. Or just say he's on vacation. Or Replace him, that would be easier since the gb3 script probaly involves Venkman alot. That would mean re-writting. Finding a new actor might be a little easier then re-writting Venkman's parts out.