21 years, 1 month ago
21 years, 1 month ago
20 years, 6 months ago
20 years, 5 months ago
20 years, 5 months ago
20 years, 5 months ago
20 years, 2 months ago
20 years, 2 months ago
It'd be weird to see a GB3 without him, as he's like a portion of the reason GB1 and GB2 did so well (his wiseass comments). Without Venkman, the movie would fail badly. But there are ways to sidestep that problem. Explain away his character's abscene without making it seem like a cop out is one way. Have him appear in a one scene cameo or flashback sequence if they want to say that Venkman died. Those are only some of the ways I figure it would help the film.
I was thinking, it would be really cool if the script followed this sort of plotline…
It's just the 3 ghostbusters on a job and we see some action, blah, blah, there is somekind of ghost about and some how it is liked to peter…maybe a relative of his?
Anyway, this sort of thing does on for half the movie with sub-plots and whatnot, but finally they realise they need peter to put this ghost away, perhaps because of some curse that has to do with Peter and ghost being connected.
Anyway they call peter up, Dana answering the phone of course, and he returns to New York and suits up with the guys to kick ghost ass!!!!
That way Bill won't have to be in the film too much, we still get to see him and he's a main character in the plot!!!!!!!
20 years, 2 months ago
The last thing it needs is to glorify his cameo as the best part of the movie. Unless they cameo him subtly, it won't really work. Like Peter basically walking in and out like he belongs there but isn't around all the time. Otherwise it would basically be: HERE'S BILL MURRAY KICKING GHOST ASS AT THE END, IGNORE THE REST OF THE MOVIE! And that would suck. Bigtime. All of the effort and attention would be flooded to Bill Murray, and that would be pointless. I say if he's going to be around for at least a cameo, it shouldn't be made a big deal of…Yeah, I see your point. Last thing I'd want is the ending of Ghostbusters 3 to resemble the ending of Space Jam with Bill Murray just showing up to save the day then leave.
20 years, 2 months ago
I would boycott if that happened. Personally, I think that Bill/Peter is one of the essential elements. I personally would prefer it to have Peter, Ray, Winston, and Egon all in it…. I mean, they're the Mouth, Heart, Common Sense, and Brains of the Ghostbusters, respectively. You can't have it without all 4!!!