Bill Murray and Typecasting

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 11 months ago

Hey, I didn't mean to make anybody mad, or offended, or feel down.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

It's just that it seems to me some things have been said about the four actors that are unfair and unresearched, and these actors deserve a little more credit.

That's just what I think.

by Dr.Spengler

22 years, 11 months ago

Seriously, Ghostbuster4evr, I meant no harm. Sorry if I offended you.

That was just my opinion.

I do see certain trends in Bill Murray characters: The Jerk and The Idiot.
Both have been funny. If that's how his comedy has worked, that's great.

But he has proved himself worthy of other roles. Rushmore was a different role for him altogether, and I mentioned the play about the aftermath of 9/11. THAT shows versatility.

And THAT is my opinion. Period.

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 11 months ago

Though we disagree on this topic, Spengie, I'm glad we see one thing eye to eye about Bill, Dan, and Harold. I did not get a chance to see the 9/11 thing Bill Murray did. I hope it was great.

But seriously, I do not wish to make an enemy out of anybody, and your warm apology ebbed my thoughts. I thank you for that, and hope we can agree on more topics. But not this one.

by PeterKong

22 years, 11 months ago

I thought that typecasting might have been Bill's reason for not doing any more GB movies. Typecasting can affect some actors and actresses. Some good examples.

Don Adams: playing as Maxwell Smart, Agent 86 is what did him in. He once tried to get into a dramatic role, but he couldn't since he was thought of as Max. The only other big hit he did was being the voice of Inspector Gadget. After that, that was it for Adams.

Henry Winkler: Eeeeeeeeeeeeh! Arthor Fonzerelli, or better known as the Fonz, was his best role. Fans could only picture him as the great one in the leather jacket. Thumbs up for Happy Days, thumbs down for his bombed movies. The only other role I remember him in was the coach in Water Boy.

The entire cast of Gilligan's Island: all 7 castaways suffered. Everyone could only picture them as Gilligan, Skipper, Mr. Howell, Mrs. Howell, Ginger, the Professor, and Mary Ann. Tina Louise has always blamed the show for ruining her entire career.

Jim Varney: Hey Verne! My old buddy Ernest P. Worrel was his best role. His physical comedy basicly made his entire life the weird odd job guy. Because of his roles in Ernest movies, he had to get a screen test in order to play as Jeb Clampet in the Beverly Hillbillies. Varney was always regarded as the funny man, not the straight man.

Perhaps the best example of all. You never see him anywhere but commercials for TV Land. . . Adam West, the 60's Batman. Heck, a lot of the people who portrayed super heroes were always typecasted! That was supposedly the reason for George Reeves' suicide.

by DaveStarkey

22 years, 11 months ago

Actually, Pete, Jim Backus, who played Mr. Howell on Gilligan, also had a pretty nice career as the voice of Mr. Magoo. Before his death in the late 1980s, he was suffering from Parkinson's. Don Adams, too, did a nice voice-over job. Many years after Inspector Gadget, Adams played the voice of Principal Hickey on the Disney cartoon show Pepper Ann. Just so you know.

by Ema

21 years, 9 months ago

I don't really like Bill Murray. He's okay. I don't hate him. I think if Ghostbusters 3 is ever made and Bill Murray isn't in it, it would still be good.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 9 months ago

I think Bill is full of himself. It was Dan and Harold that made GBs. And Bill thinks he is the ruler of it all. I say they forget him, buy his movie rights or whatever and make a GB3 with every original cast member cept him. Maybe add a new member to replace him. Cause you guys know, we're never gonna get a GB3 with Murray in it. GB3 IMO, would be fine without him, as long as Ackroyd, Ramis, Hudson, Potts, Weaver, Moranis, and Slimer :d are all in it.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 9 months ago

Bill Murray seems to be typecasted as that of a Humorous Con-man looking for Women and Cash, and/or just being re-casted to play in a sequel of a movie he's already done (Which he's only done once, which was Ghostbusters II! ).

The only roles other than that typecasting role, that I've seen him in, would be the Character he played in Rushmore and the Characters he played in Caddyshack (Carl Spackler.) and What about Bob? (Bob Wiley.). In both of those, he played sort of a mentally handicapped Character. But those two Characters were slightly different from each other.

by Ectoonea

21 years, 9 months ago

does anyone know that site you can go to to get the typing font that you can type the no ghost symbol. If so plzz list the website

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

if we can't get GB3 without Murray, then I don't want a GB3 at all. It just wouldn't be Ghostbusters without the original 4 GBs. I'd take an animated film with a new voice cast over a live action film with new actors.