Maybe Bill Murray is being grumpy I don't think he is but maybe he has reasons. I mean he was one of the original team and maybe he feels that it is a thing among friends and that if it brought out now it will ruin it's image. I for one would rather have no new movie as opposed to a crappy one. Don't get me wrong I would love to see a new Ghostbusters movie but I just hope it lives up to the original's standards. So before you start ass ramming Bill murray maybe try to think that he has reasons.
by Zebrapix
23 years ago
“before you start ass ramming Bill murray maybe try to think that he has reasons”
Well spoken.
by Mario
23 years ago
That was just a sick analogy. Ass ramming is a subject that probably shouldn't be discussed here.
by Zebrapix
23 years ago
Before we draw a moral moratorium on any further “ass ramming” here, let me point out that Murray is on record as saying he would only come back in GB3 if he gets to die gloriously. (Starlog magazine 1990…I'll find the issue)
by NetSolo
23 years ago
Zebra, I seem to recall him also wanting to return in ghost form according to that same article unless I'm mistaken. This was a plot twist that I think Aykroyd kept in all of the drafts that I know of also.
by Iluvatar_37
23 years ago
Yeah I read a different internet article saying is was getting into more now than before I am just defending his rights is all
by Iluvatar_37
23 years ago
Hmmmm. I never heard that about the Ghost thing. That woul dbe kinda cool butif they are gonna do the training thing than I think all three of them should be there. I just couldn;t see ghostbusters being trained without cynical commenst from Venkman. I mean, honestly, can you?
by Zebrapix
23 years ago
NetSolo -
Yeah, that's one of many rumors floating about.
One of you Ghostheads have the latest relevant interview from Murray? There's gott be one out there.