BioShock 2

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

I just bought yesterday my Special Edition… and it´s awesome. It includes a LP vinyl with the score of the first BioShock, a CD with the score of the sequel, a book with all the artwork of the game, 3 posters and, of course, the game.

The game itself looks great, has the same feeling of the first game (it´s good to go back to Rapture), the gameplay feels great, and the story looks good (this far). The music is great too, don´t dissapointed you in any way.

On the multiplayer mode, it feels good, but not great (this is not Halo 3 or Gears 2) but once you use to it, it´s great go around killing Rapture´s citizen bringing chaos that starts the Civil War that brought down the underwater city.

Anyone´s playing it?

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 11 months ago

Waiting and seeing. Was disappointed in the first game. Was a great story, and fun to play but way to short vs. cost. I bought the first one in the week prior to the release of Halo 3 (which at the time I was waiting for)..and beat it in 12 hours…was majorly dissappointed.

Hope 2 can fix that…but still…I am waiting to see…will probably rent it instead of buy once I get done with Mass Effect 2. Don't seem to be buying many games these days

by fusi0n1

14 years, 11 months ago

Will be trying to get it soon, LOVED the first one. I ended up borrowing it off a mate, so will probably just do that again… saves the hassle of buying / trading / selling.

I agree it was very short, and after I killed the last boss (with electric gel I think/ which took all of 5 seconds) I was quite shocked it was the end… it's one of those games where you feel you are only warming up when it ends. (Kinda like the way I felt with Chrome 2)

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

I´m agreed with you guys… the first game it´s a little bit short… but it´s full of great design, that retro feeling all over the place plus the music makes you fall in love with the city… the story was great and the twisting was unexpected (least for me)… but the final boss was dissapointing. I hope BioShock 2 final boss make me sweat (I haven´t finished it yet, I like to enjoy the city and search for the diaries and others objects carefully).

by fusi0n1

14 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, I didn't make my post sound that positive.

This game had made me LITERALLY STOP in my tracks to admire the graphics. The graphics and gameplay was superb.

The only thing I HATE about this game, is the enemies called “Splicers”.

This is a nickname I've used since 1996 (and have online proof since 1998), so whenever I play online, everyone asks me “oh, so you got that name from Bioshock?” I have to try and convince them I had the name well before the idea was even a glint in the designer's eye.

Oh, and it's also the name of a character in my movie that I'm writing, but that's another story lol

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 11 months ago

Like Fusion, I didn't make mine sound too positive of the game either. I LOVED the atmosphere and world of the original. The entire concept from Rapture itself, to the Big Daddies, to the Splicers enticed me. While I am more a fan of hyper technology and cyberpunk…I still have great love for Biopunk and Steampunk…which both games have in spades.

I did like I said I would. I finished Mass Effect 2 lastnight and went over to my local Blockbuster and rented Bioshock 2. I am enjoying it a lot…but can't help the feeling that I am burning through it too fast.

by ghostbusters2131

14 years, 11 months ago

Well… I just finished the game last night… I feel the game shorter than the first one, but the end worthed it (at least is better than the last one). Got only 33 achiviements unlocked… I´ll have to get back and looking for the other 17 (some are online, so… see ya there guys).