Black Dawn: The Return (The Original Wrestling Thread)

by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

Feldman can't touch this

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

mmm ok lol

what do you guys think of Kurt Angle jumping to TNA?

by pantshater24

18 years, 5 months ago

mmm ok lol

what do you guys think of Kurt Angle jumping to TNA?
totally out of the blue. i thought he had really good relations inside the wwe. but i do think this is a huge move for tna, and i think that tna is slowly becoming a better brand than wwe.

by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

Angle needs more time off, which he will get with TNA. He won't be wrestling with TNA for a few months. Giving him time to heal, and with TNA its 5 or 6 days on the road a month, as opposed to with the WWE where its upwards of 20.

by Mr.No_Ghost

18 years, 5 months ago

So long as he doesn't cripple himself while wrestling for TNA, I'm fine with it.

by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

No mercy results for those interested, really only good thing from the show was Chris benoits return.

WWE No Mercy Results (10/8): Wardrobe Malfunction, Benoit!

Event: WWE No Mercy Pay-Per-View Results
Airdate: Sunday, October 8th, 2006
Location: The RBC Center in Raleigh, NC
Results by

WWE No Mercy Opener:

No Mercy opened with a video package on King Booker, leading into hype for the Fatal Four Way match for the World Title tonight. Michael Cole and JBL welcomed us to the PPV and we went into the opening contest.

Non Title Match
Referee: Jim Korderas
Matt Hardy vs. Gregory Helms ©

The start:

Helms' Cruiserweight Title is not on the line. They put over that Hardy and Helms were North Carolina natives as they made their entrances, and that this was a battle in front of their families, friends and hometown fans. They went face to face at the bell, then backed up before locking up. Helms took Hardy down with a fireman's carry, and they exchanged wristlocks. Helms went for a headlock, but Hardy shoved it off and hit a shoulderblock.

Mid-match notes:

Matt grabbed Helms in a waistlock, and Helms went for a wrist, but Hardy shoved it off. Helms was frustrated. Helms grabbed an armdrag as Hardy went for a test of strength, then kicked Hardy and started stomping him down in a corner. Hardy came back with a vertical suplex and took him down with a back elbow before dropping one on him. Hardy clotheslined Helms to the floor, then hit him with a pescado. Hardy threw Helms back in the ring, then stomped him in a corner. Hardy pulled Helms out of the corner into a powerbomb for a two count. Hardy then went for punches in a corner, but Helms grabbed him and dropped him face first on the top turnbuckle. Helms hit a neckbreaker across the knee for a two count. Hardy elbowed a charging Helms and climbed the ropes. Helms stopped him, and gave Hardy a side Russian legsweep off the second rope. Helms covered Hardy for a two count. Helms grabbed Hardy in a double underhook and drove his knee into Hardy's head. Helms stepped on Hardy's throat, then picked him up by the hair. Hardy rallied with punches, but Helms gave Hardy a kneebuster to the head for a two count. Helms choked Hardy against the middle rope, then armdragged him and applied a trapped arm choke.

Helms picked up Hardy in a fireman's carry, but Hardy floated out and hit a reverse DDT. Hardy and Helms traded punches, and Hardy got the better of it. Hardy hit some clotheslines and a bulldog for a two count. Hardy slammed Helms and hit the second rope legdrop for a two count. Hardy measured Helms for the Twist Of Fate, but Helms reversed it into an inverted DDT for a two count. Helms hit a second one for another two count. Helms went for a third, and hit it, but didn't cover. Helms went to the top rope, slowly, and jumped off, but Hardy hit him in the gut as he came off. Hardy gave Helms the Side Effect for a two count. Hardy hit a second Side Effect for another two. Matt delivered a third Side Effect, went to the top rope, and jumped for a moonsault. Helms got his knees up on it. Helms then went for a Shining Wizard, but Matt ducked it and rolled up Helms for a two count. Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate, but Helms backdropped Hardy and hit the Shining Wizard for a two count. Helms put Matt on the top rope and set up for a superplex, but Hardy hit him and headbutted him to the mat.

The Finish:

Matt stood on the top rope, but Helms grabbed him by the arm and yanked him down, crotch first on the top rope. Helms then climbed to the top and hit a variation of the Shining Wizard as Matt was still crotched on the top. Helms covered Matt for a two count, as Hardy got a two count. Helms picked up Hardy and they went to a series of reversals, with Matt grabbing the Twist Of Fate for the win at the 17 minute mark.

Winner - Matt Hardy


Backstage, King Booker told Sir William Regal that he had to go and convince Finlay to put aside his love of fighting, and be his ally tonight in the Fatal Four Way.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Referee: Charles Robinson
Idol Stevens and KC James vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London ©

The start:

Stevens started out with London, pounding him down in a corner. London fought back, leapfrogging him and hitting a rana. Kendrick ran in for a double hiptoss and double kicks, then tagged London back in. London hit a top rope stomp to Stevens' outstretched arm. London tossed Kendrick at Stevens with a rocket launcher for a two count. Stevens hit a kick to the gut on Kendrick and tagged in James. JBL just compared the tag champs to Steve & Shaun Simpson. I wonder how many fans remember them.

Mid-match notes:

London tagged in, but James gave a blind tag to Stevens, who came off the top rope to a London dropkick. The champs sent the challengers to the floor, then hit stereo dives to the outside. Back in the ring, Kendrick suplexed Stevens, and London went to the top rope, but James knocked him off and to the floor. Stevens pulled London back into the ring for a two count, then applied a chinlock. London broke out with some punches and grabbed a sunset flip. He couldn't get Stevens down, but did avoid a legdrop attempt. Stevens managed to pull London to his corner, stretched him on the ropes, and tagged James for a second rope kneedrop to the back. James put London in a chinlock. London battled up, but James hit a side backbreaker for a two count. Stevens tagged in and snapmared London, then drove a knee into his back. Stevens applied a double underhook and stretched London with it on the mat. London battled out, slid under Stevens, but wasn't able to make the tag.

James tagged back in, but missed a charge in the corner. Stevens pulled Kendrick off the ring apron to keep London from making the tag. Stevens and James went for a double backdrop, but London kicked it away, avoided Stevens and made the hot tag to Kendrick. Kendrick cleaned house with forearms and dropkicks, then went for Sliced Bread #2 on James, but Stevens shook the ropes to stop Kendrick from completing it. London nailed Stevens with a tope. James gave Kendrick a superplex, but London broke it up. London and Stevens started fighting on the outside. Stevens ran in, and Kendrick kicked Stevens while at the same time DDTing James. Kendrick covered James, but Michelle put his foot on the ropes. Stevens ran in and hit a high sidewalk slam on Kendrick. James covered Kendrick for a two count. Michelle tried to trip Kendrick, and Ashley attacked Michelle. The girls did a catfight on the outside, and prior to it, it appeared Ashley had a wardrobe malfunction. We've got 19 photos at the link at the very bottom of this post. You've been warned, these photos are very adult orientated.

The Finish:

Ashley pounded Michelle on the floor. In the ring, Stevens & James tried a double suplex, but London pulled Kendrick down. London tossed Kendrick into the air and he dropkicked both opponents. Stevens fell to the floor, and Kendrick gave James Sliced Bread #2. London jumped off of Kendrick's back into a Shooting Star Press (which the announcers kept calling a Northern Lights for some reason) onto Stevens. Kendrick then covered Stevens for the pin at the ten minute mark.

Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions, Brian Kendrick and Paul London


William Regal was in the back, looking for Finlay. Instead, he found Vito jumping rope in a dress. Regal said he was “sweating like Vince McMahon in a church”. Regal told Vito he was going to show him how to jump rope properly. Regal sang “London Bridge” while skipping rope. Grossed out by Vito's thong (as he used his dress to wipe the sweat off his head), Regal turned to leave, and clumsily walked into a tray of condiments, falling down and dumping ketchup and mustard all over himself.

In the arena:

Smackdown General Manager Theodore R. Long came to the ring, where a giant box with a bow was present. Long said it was someone's birthday. Long then revealed that it was The Miz' 26th birthday. Mike Mizanin then came to the ring, in street clothes. There was also a birthday cake and balloons in the ring. Long said Miz had been hitting on one of his Divas. Long said she hadn't been receptive to his advances, but he was going to bring her out for Miz' birthday. Long brought out Layla, who was wearing lingerie and a coat. Miz was drooling over her. Layla asked for a chair, and sat Miz in it. Layla then asked for music, and started to give Miz a lapdance. Miz said it was his best birthday ever. Layla then pulled out a blindfold and put it on Miz. The was then lifted, and Big Dick Johnson, the fat male stripper (and in actuality, WWE writer) was there in a G-String. He gave the blindfolded Miz a lapdance, and Miz was enjoying it, until the truth was revealed to him. A disgusted Miz ran off, while Johnson and Layla danced in the ring together.

Referee: Nick Patrick
Montell Vontavious Porter vs. Marty Garner

MVP had a pyro entrance, and an ugly blue longsleeve bodysuit as his wrestling gear. JBL said he stole the outfit from a Power Ranger, and that he looked like a Bud Light can. MVP got on the mic and started bragging, claiming he was going to dominate tonight. He said he was the “Most Valuable Player” on Smackdown. His opponent for tonight: Marty Garner (known to indy fans as Cham Pain).

MVP slapped him to the mat before the bell rang. MVP took Garner to the mat and rode him a bit, then got up and posed. MVP invited Garner to just leave the ring. MVP snapmared Garner for a two count, getting up on his own. The fans chanted “boring”. MVP traded wristlocks with Garner, and Garner fired off some punches, but MVP returned fire. Garner leapfrogged a charging MVP, but MVP nailed him with a clothesline. Annoyed, MVP rammed Garner head first into the mat, then stomped him. MVP hit a leg driver to the mat (ala Elix Skipper's Play Of The Day) for the pin at the three minute mark.

Winner - Montell Vontavious Porter


Backstage, William Regal was coming out of the shower, as was Vito. Vito looked at Regal's manhood, and made a “short” comment. Regal noticed Vito's, and he is apparently well endowed, and ran out of the dressing room, dropping his towel, so we all got to see his bare rear end. Regal ran into Theodore R. Long, who put him in match tonight.

Non Title Match
Referee: Charles Robinson
The Undertaker vs. Mr. Kennedy ©

Kennedy's United States Title was not announced as being on the line. Kennedy ripped on the crowd for booing him as he did his own ring introduction. Undertaker then did his usual entrance.

The start:

Taker charged at the bell, but Kennedy avoided a kick. Kennedy fired off some punches and hit a back elbow, but ran into a Taker boot to the face. Undertaker hit a short arm shoulderblock, then rammed Kennedy's shoulder into the corner. Undertaker teased going for the Old School rope walk, but Kennedy broke free and rolled to the floor. Undertaker went after him, and rammed his arm into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Undertaker lifted Kennedy by the arm and dropped him to the mat.

Mid-match notes:

Kennedy rolled to the floor again, but Undertaker followed him and rammed Kennedy shoulder first into the ringpost. Undertaker tossed Kennedy back into the ring, and Kennedy grabbed the ropes and pulled himself to the floor, but not before Taker hit his bad arm again. On the floor, Kennedy hit some elbows and punches, but Taker kicked him in the bad arm and tossed him back into the ring. Undertaker went for the Old School rope walk, but Kennedy stepped onto the bottom rope and armdragged Taker off the top and into the ring. Kennedy hit some punches and choked Taker with his foot by the ropes. Taker kicked Kennedy's bad arm to go back on offense. Taker grabbed his arm and went for the rope walk again, this time finishing it and hitting the top rope forearm. Undertaker hit a facedriver for a two count.

Kennedy slumped in a corner and loosened a top turnbuckle, removing the pad. Taker grabbed Kennedy and hit a clothesline for a two count. Taker rammed Kennedy head first into a corner (not the exposed one) and hit a punch to the head. Taker choked Kennedy in a corner. Taker missed a running kick, and went over the top rope and to the apron. Kennedy then charged into Taker, knocking him off the apron and into the security barrier on the floor. Kennedy went to the outside and stomped Taker, then rammed him chest first into the security barrier. Kennedy jumped off the apron, but Taker caught him and rammed him back first into the ringpost. Taker tossed Kennedy back into the ring for a two count. Kennedy grabbed Taker by the trunks and pulled him through the ropes and to the floor. Kennedy yelled for the referee to count Taker out.

Undertaker got back in, and Kennedy hit him with a kneelift as he got back in. Kennedy covered Taker, but he got his foot on the bottom rope. Kennedy stomped Taker, then hit some forearms and choked him against the middle rope. Kennedy straddled Taker against the ropes, then covered him for a two count. Kennedy choked Undertaker with his boot in a corner. Kennedy hit some shoulderblocks and kicks in a corner, then hit a running kick to the face. Kennedy dragged Taker into the center of the ring and got a two count. Kennedy dropped a pair of elbows, then hit a double axhandle to the chest and got a two count. Kennedy then blatantly choked Undertaker in the ring. Taker started battling back with punches from his knees. Kennedy tried to return fire, but Taker hit more punches, then got to his feet and clotheslined Kennedy to the floor. Taker went out after him, and put Kennedy on the ring apron. Taker elbowed Kennedy, then set up for the legdrop on the ring apron, which he hit.

As Taker got back into the ring, Kennedy got a sudden burst of energy, kicking Taker's leg and hitting a piledriver. Kennedy covered Taker, but he kicked out at two and sat up. Kennedy jumped on Taker again, but only got a two count. Kennedy applied a trapped arm choke, then switched to a chinlock as Undertaker made his way to his feet. Taker got out of it with a back suplex. The two men traded punches, with Taker getting the better of it. Kennedy kicked Taker in the leg and went for a whip, but Taker reversed it and hit a flying clothesline. Taker then hit two clotheslines in a corner, and followed it with Snake Eyes. Undertaker hit a boot to the face, then a legdrop for a two count. Taker called for the chokeslam, but Kennedy grabbed the referee to avoid it, then started kicked Taker's leg and grabbed a neckbreaker for a two count. Kennedy missed two attempts at high kicks, then Taker grabbed him by the throat and hit a chokeslam. Taker set up for the Last Ride, but Kennedy managed to float over it. Kennedy almost hit the referee as he did, then Taker charged and Kennedy moved and Taker almost hit the referee.

The Finish:

Kennedy then charged Taker and rammed him bulldog style into the top turnbuckle, which was the turnbuckle that was exposed earlier. Kennedy hit a clothesline and the Kenton Bomb, but Taker kicked out and sat up. Kennedy went to the floor and grabbed the U.S. Title belt. Kennedy got back in, and the referee tried to stop him from using it. Taker ended up grabbing it, and despite the referee's protests, hit Kennedy with it. The referee disqualified Taker at the 21-minute mark.

Winner by disqualification, Mr. Kennedy

The Aftermath:

Undertaker choked the referee, then gave Kennedy some elbowdrops and a tombstone piledriver. Taker started to leave, then went back and gave referee Charles Robinson a tombstone as well.

Falls Count Anywhere
Referee: Jim Korderas
Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

The start:

Chavo went on the offensive first, hitting forearms and kicks, then taking Rey down with a back elbow. Chavo hit a forearm, but Rey slid under his legs and hit a dropkick. Rey missed a second dropkick, and Chavo tried to roll up Rey, but Rey got on top and hit some punches. Chavo backdropped Rey to the apron, but Rey hit a shoulderblock between the ropes. They two battled up onto the second rope. There was an “Eddie” chant.

Mid-match notes:

Chavo teased that he was going to powerbomb Rey off the ropes and to the floor. They continued to battle, and both of them fell off the ropes and to the floor after punching each other. On the outside, Rey dropkicked Chavo, but Chavo came back with forearms to the back, then whipped Rey into the barricade. Chavo was saying “This is not your uncle, this is not your family”, pointing at Rey's armband as he hit him. They fought back to the entranceway. Chavo went for a powerbomb, but Rey grabbed the scaffolding of the lighting rig to avoid it. Rey kicked Chavo while hanging off of it, then gave Chavo a rana for a two count on the stage. They brawled by the entrance, and Rey kicked at Chavo's leg, then threw him into a barricade. Chavo battled back, and grabbed the Gory Special, then dropped Rey throat first across a guardrail.

Rey reversed a whip and sent Chavo into the guardrail. Rey used the guardrail to hit Chavo in the stomach, then hung Chavo gut first across it. Rey jumped off the hockey boards and gave Chavo a legdrop across the back of his head. Rey then hit a tilt-a-whirl headscissors on the floor. Rey worked over Chavo with chots to the backas they fought amongst the fans. Rey went for a bodyscissors, but Chavo swung Rey head first into the hockey boards, then covered him on the floor. Chavo picked up Rey by the legs and swung him into a row of chairs. They went into the crowd and up the stands, with Chavo on offense. Rey came back with a kick, and kicked Chavo down the stairs and back to the floor. Rey gave Chavo a seated senton off the hockey boards, then kicked Chavo in the head. Rey kept on Chavo, but Guerrero busted out with a clothesline, then started pounding Rey's back. Chavo rammed Rey's arm into the hocked boards, then hit an uppercut that sent him into the chairs. Chavo kept working on Rey's arm, then whipped him into the side of the bleachers.

The Finish:

Rey came back with a kick, then used a staircase railing to hit a variation of the 619. Rey rammed Chavo into a steel barricade. Rey climbed up the steps and stood on the railing, then jumped off to the floor with a flying bodypress. Rey then got the pin (actually, he had to cover Guerrero twice, as his shoulder was off the ground because of them landing near a wall) and got the pin at the 14-minute mark.

Winner - Rey Mysterio

The Aftermath:

Rey kicked Chavo some more after the pin, then started to walk away. He turned around and went back to dish out more, but Vickie Guerrero was covering Chavo. Rey walked away, and Vickie screamed as Chavo slowly started to get up.

Referee: Unknown
William Regal vs. Chris Benoit

Yes, Chris Benoit vs. William Regal is on this PPV. Regal came out first, then Benoit's music hit, and the crowd came alive.

The start:

They locked up at the bell, and there was a “Benoit” chant. They broke on the ropes, then they locked up again and Regal went after an arm. Benoit broke his wristlock and went for a chop, but Regal blocked it. They locked up again, and Regal grabbed a side mare. Benoit broke out of the headlock with an arm twist. Regal went for a leg, but Benoit managed to keep his feet and grabbed a keylock on Regal. Regal reversed it into a front facelock, and then they went into a top wristlock.

Mid-match notes:

Regal floated down into a trip, and put Benoit on the mat with a test of strength. They went back and forth with it, with Regal doing a full bridge before going to the mat and kicked Benoit in the face. Regal kipped up, gave Benoit a monkey flip, but they maintained the knucklelock and Benoit grabbed a bodyscissors. Regal worked his way out of the bodyscissors, stepping on Benoit's face to get out of it. Benoit hit a pair of chops, and soon they were trading chops and forearms. Benoit grabbed German suplex, but Regal blocked a second and trapped Benoit's arm. Benoit delivered a series of headbutts with his arms trapped, busting Regal open. Benoit hit a diving headbutt for a two count. Regal went to the apron, caught Benoit with a shot, and teased suplexing Benoit to the floor. Benoit broke it with some knees to the gut. Benoit went to the apron and teased a German suplex to the floor. Regal blocked it and DDT'd Benoit into the apron, knocking him to the floor. Regal was bleeding pretty bad. Regal put Benoit back in the ring for a two count.

Regal hit a series of knees, then knocked Benoit to the mat and hit a knee drop. Regal drove his knee into Benoit's head, but Benoit came back with a pair of chops. Benoit grabbed Regal's leg and went for a Sharpshooter, but Regal kicked it away. Regal hit a running knee to Benoit's head, and went for a series of covers, but Benoit kept kicking out. Regal applied an abdominal stretch with an inverted headlock. Benoit escaped, backing Regal into a corner and hitting a knee to the gut and two chops to Regal's bloody forehead. Regal hit a kick to the gut and a pair of exploder suplexes. Regal hit a kneedrop to the gut for a two count. Regal worked for the Regal Stretch, but Benoit grabbed Regal's arm as he went for it and positioned for a Fujiwara armbar, but Regal made the ropes. Regal kicked Benoit in the head for a two count, then went for a surfboard. Regal pulled Benoit into the hold, then pulled Benoit's head back into a chinlock.

The Finish:

Benoit hit right hands to the side of Regal's head to break the hold. Regal kicked Benoit in the head, then went for a full nelson. Benoit reversed, but Regal countered with an armdrag, then went for it again, but Benoit reversed and hit a Dragon suplex. Benoit went for the Crippler Crossface, and Regal grabbed Benoit's hand to try and stop it. Benoit forced his hands together to complete the hold, and Regal tapped out at the eleven minute mark.

Winner - Chris Benoit


Backstage, Booker T approached a bloody Regal and asked if he had completed his task. Regal described all the things he had gone through tonight, and Booker surmised that Regal didn't get it done. Fit Finlay approached Booker and said he had come here tonight to win the fight, and to win the world title. Finlay walked off. Booker told Regal, who was still staggering from his match, that he was to blame for this, and that he was useless. Booker slapped Regal. Regal stood there for a moment, then decked Booker with a right hand. Regal walked off as Sharmell tended to Booker on the floor.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Fatal Four Way
Referee: Nick Patrick
Finlay vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Batista vs. King Booker ©

The match:

Cole points out that King Booker has held the title for 78 days. Booker and Finlay double teamed Batista in the corner until Lashley caught up to Finlay. Spinebuster by Lashley on Booker, but the King kicked out. Early on, Booker and Finlay appeared to be allies, but Finlay clotheslined Booker to end the brief alliance. Finlay worked on Lashley's leg with a half Boston crab, until Booker broke it up. Batista sideslammed Booker, but the champion kicked out. The midget came out to low blow Lashley, and then ran back under the ring. Batista hit the jackhammer slam, but it was broken up. Batista speared Lashley. Batista tried three pin attempts, but he kept kicking out. Batista is bleeding hard from the head. Booker hit the book end on Lashley, but he kicked out. Batista spinbustered all three of his opponents. Lashley speared Batista, which allowed Booker to pin Lashley at 16:53 to retain the title

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

William Regal's “something” was live on tv at the ppv lol


anyone saw this comment from UFC's president on Angle? ouch lol…

In Alex Marvez' recent column, UFC President Dana White commented that if Kurt Angle was actually serious about fighting in MMA, it wouldn't be with the Ultimate Fighting Championships. “I wouldn't hire someone who is doing both. I would never blow that line. You're either a fighter or an actor,” said White.


AJ Challenges Cena To “Title Vs. Title” Match On Tuesday News

October 10th, 2006 16:52

On Tuesday morning’s episode of “Cold Pizza” on ESPN2, WWE champion John Cena was one of the special guests. During the broadcast, Cena was surprised when Chicago White Sox star and TNA’s biggest MLB fan AJ Pierzynski walked on set wearing the X Division Championship, presented to him last year by TNA! According to reports, Pierzynski challenged Cena to face him in a “Title vs. Title” cage match whenever he wanted the bout. With Cena watching on, footage was then show of the “Basebrawl” match at TNA’s 2005 “Turning Point” Pay-Per-View featuring Pierzynski, Chris Sabin and Sonjay Dutt vs. The Diamonds in The Rough with a special appearance by the Yankees’ Johnny Damon. As Cena’s interview came to an end, Pierzynski put the X Championship side-by-side with the WWE Title and reaffirmed the open challenge! hopes to get an exclusive comment from Pierzynski later tonight on the face-to-face.

John Cena Gets A Taste Of TNA Wrestling
10/10/2006 by Ryan Clark

Terri Bey sent this in:
John Cena was on Cold Pizza this Morning. They discussed his training for the movie, “The Marine.” He was asked if he would leave wrestling for the movies like the Rock and he said he would have to have two full time jobs. They talked about his match on RAW with the Undertaker. Cena critiqued AJ Perzinski on TNA. AJ and Cena compared the TNA and WWE Championship belts.

Johnny Hollie sent this in:
The interesting thing that happened on Cold Pizza was when A.J. Pierzynski came in to “challenge” Cena. He was carrying the X division title that TNA gave him. Cena said he thought he saw that belt in the gumball machine outside when they compared belts. They also showed clips of last night with the Undertaker and Cena said that if he is successful in acting he would do both.


a review from the last Raw from

BrettS’ Raw Family Reunion Review
RAW = Really Average Wrestling.

Well that has got to have been one of the if not the worst RAWs of 2006 and possibly even the history of the show.

It was being billed as this big reunion special where all these stars will be back and anything can and will happen.

Nothing really major happened and the biggest surprise of the night was Arn Anderson, I.R.S and company making an appearance, but was that worth the hype of the show? Hell No.

The opening promo was just a case of seeing who can piss higher on the wall - BORING.

The loser leaves Raw match was ok but not worthy of a loser leaves town type match considering last year’s Edge/Matt Hardy loser leaves Raw match and other similar matches in the past.

DX gets to kill off the tag divison yet again and like also complete with un-funny toilet “humour” YAWN.

To make sure he doesn’t get outdone, Big Show comes in a destroys the IC divison by taking out the champion and the #1 contender in less then 5 minutes. Everyone knew Hardy wasn’t going to win but if he was going to be booked in this match then wait until next week to put the title on him, you can still have Nitro running in after the match as he would be trying to take out Hardy before he gets the title next week. But nooooo, the WWE doesn’t think logically do they, so they sqaush the champ then have the former champ beat him down, and then what? You guessed it, the super-heel Big Show makes the save for Jeff Hardy and gets a face pop in yet another illogical blunder by creative.

A much better way of doing this without having to change a single thing in the match:

Announce a Nitro (C) vs Hardy match for next weeks RAW
Book Hardy v Show for the Family Reunion
Have Show get a easy win over Hardy as he did
Have Nitro run down to cause more pain for Jeff
Have Matt run in with the save
Build the IC title change match as something big
Put the belt on Hardy the following week
That way you get the following that never happened in real life:

Big Show keeps his heel status
Nitro get more heel heat
You get a Hardy Boyz in ring moment
Jeff looks like a huge underdog going into the title match as he has just been beat down by Show and Nitro
You get to build up the IC Title as something major
Next in the show we had a Women’s match. By the end the of the match and the person to advance further in the race for the title is an after thought, and now two of the better “wrestlers” in the womens division, Torrie and Victoria, are both out in the 1st round.

Then we get a decent 6 man tag. Ironically, the best match on a RAW Show featured 6 Smackdown superstars.

Flair and his golden oldies sqaush the Spirit Sqaud. Man those tag belts are prestigious.

Booker sqaushes RVD, at least this match was better booked then the Hardy/Show match, but thats not saying too much.

We then get a good liittle interaction between Edge and Orton that could build to something better but the crappiness of the show so far makes me not really care.

What about Mr Kennedy? He was being billed as coming to thw RAW Reunion as a major part of the show, what does he end up doing??? He runs in during the Cena-Taker match gets a big boot from Taker and runs away. All that hype for about 10 seconds of camera time.

Then we finish the show with John “Super God” Cena. This bloke is a cross between Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Robin, the Fantastic Four, The league of Extrordinary Gentlemen, The Incredible Hulk, The X-Men, The Green Lantern, all the other Mavel Superheros and Neo from the Matrix.

Not only does he get the toughest match of the 3 Champs but his arm is still giving his problems and after the match he is able to beat down both Booker T and Big Show making Show tap out in double quick time.

When the hype is brought into consideration against the final product the final rating for this show is a 0.0 out of 10.


and finally, where the hell is my favorite wrestler, Eugene? :p

by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

I actually enjoyed the raw reunion, better than most RAW's. Smackdown this friday looks promising as well.

by Mr.No_Ghost

18 years, 5 months ago

Eugene needs to take a hike and get a job on Sesame Street. I'm sure he would be much happier there.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

ha ha c'mon man… Eugene took Angle's medals the first time… but then he got his @$$ whooped lol

the Raw reunion show wasn' that bad… it was nice to see Ted Dibiase coming to the ring with his music along with Irwing R. Schyster…

Edge and Orton teaming up to take on D-X… lol they both suck…