Black Dawn: The Return (The Original Wrestling Thread)

by TheTaskmaster

18 years ago

Yesterday, it has been reported that Bad News Brown has passed away at age 63 due to a heart attack. This comes a few weeks after the suicide of 43 years old Mike Awesome, and heart attack of Bam Bam Bigelow.

It's a sad time to be a wrestling fan, with so many of those who can put out great memories just dying.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Everyone seems to be dying.


by ghostfactory1

17 years, 11 months ago

The return of Black Dawn should be blessed with this week's trivia question:

Name the entire card for the 1996 Bash at the Beach
You get bonus points if you name the stadium and city it was held in…

See who gets this first

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 11 months ago

I switched to TNA when the whole HBK vs. Hogan match and shitty it was. That killed it for me and WWE and I have watched WWF/WWE for a long time.

I am totally TNA now and my wife and I love TNA. I haven't kept up with WWE but the Wrestlemania card looks like shit. Stone Cold referee? He needs to come to TNA. Oh well. WWE is still crap.

by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

WM23 wasn't so bad after all…

Edge out of the match

Great Khali body slammed

Mr. Perfect Curt Hening Hall of Fame

Taker 15-0

Stunner on Trump

HBK Tapping out


by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 11 months ago

The Stunners and Taker winning was all I really enjoyed.

The Money in the bank was a spot fest, nothing but finishers done every 5 seconds, and people were layed out for 10 minutes at a time. There were just too many people.

Khali bodyslammed was nothing special, especially since Undertaker has already tombstoned and chokeslamed him. And the match was only 7 minutes.

The womens match lasted 4 minutes yet entrances lasted 6. Pathetic.

The ECW match was only 6 minutes. Wasn't hardcore or elimination either. Another pathetic waste.

Terrible ending, we saw this same exact shit last year, someone taps out to that horrible STFU move where you obviously see Cena barely even choking them.

Quite lackluster, and the booking was atrocious. Undertaker won the royal rumble yet only had 4th match at Mania. That's what you call an atrocity. Last year we tons of great matches including a casket match, a street fight, and one of Mania's greatest hardcore matches. This year the big highlight was Vince being shaved bald, who now looks like a conehead.

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

Police investigating homicide after ‘Canadian Crippler’ and famliy found dead

Various web sites were reporting that Chris Benoit told the WWE and some close supertars to him via some weird text messages that he would not be at Saturday Night's Main Event and at the Vengeance PPV on Sunday because his wife and son were “coughing up blood.” If that is true, or has anything do with their deaths, is unknown.

by gbandrew1

17 years, 8 months ago

This story has way more to it than anyone realized. It's so odd that something like this would happen, but we knew Chris Benoit the wrestler, not Benoit the person. Whatever went on personally, no one had any idea of.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 8 months ago

Do you remember Benoit's last match against Edge?
He did him everything he had in his bag.
Edge did almost nothing, he was destroyed, you wonder if it was supposed to be like this.
The fight was intense, beautiful, and I even thought Benoit was going to win the belt.
I can say it was one of Benoit's best performance.

I was wondering, the week when they said he died, if Benoit did not threw his personal frustration on Edge's body in that match, while revealing again to the wwe fan that despite how hard you work and superior you are, you won't win until they decide to make you win.
At the end, Edge did his spear and all was over.
Well, we now know one thing: Edge is the man of steel!

That reminds me of Randy Orton's “sleeperhold”; in the past, he was showing soo much pressure in this hold… it could have been his finishing move. But, like always, the opponent gets up and all that “look at me beating my adversary” was for nothing.

What do you think of Benoit's match against Edge?

by fome

17 years, 8 months ago

didn't see Benoit vs Edge… last time I saw him was on Raw vs Lashley…