Videobob - tcbtexas - Bob Moseley - Has been banned for recasting Proton Pack shells purchased from Ross Arbuckle. He claims his shells are 100% authentic straight from Universal Studios and therefore his recasts are ok, however his shell was purchased from someone else's copies, which makes them recast. In addition there is some discrepancy as to whether or not the shells are actually related to the real Proton Packs used in the movie, having provided very little proof. Furthermore Videobob has been banned from The RPF (and numerous other sites) for recasting, and has a long history of recasting and stealing Back to the Future parts from others (even from the actual BTTF cars at Universal). He should be avoided by all costs and is by far the #1 person on his blacklist to avoid.
Jeremy Moore - Recast numerous parts from many respectable sellers. He has also ripped off many people purchasing items from him in the past by taking money and not delivering products. Jeremy should be avoided at all costs, and has been banned since 2006.
Rhett Martin - Hotshot - hobby-farm-models (ebay) - Recast proton gun grips from another seller, and gun knobs from Phantom50. He also sold low quality parts that often required more work then they were worth. Poor customer service track record and has taken money from several people without delivering products as promised. Most recently he attempted to sell digital copies of the OMNI cover against the wishes of the item's current owner. Has been banned since early 2008.
Also has a eBay username of “hobby-farm-models”. For examples of what he sells see this PDF:
Charles Walker - PropFan - Has recast numerous parts over the past several years, and has lied about it when confronted. While some of his parts are of good quality, he has stolen the work of others to profit off of them. This seller should be avoided at all costs. Most recently (July 2008) he copied the work of user namebrand to sell recasts of his aluminum Proton Gun trigger tip.
wiggle_pickle_productions - Please see “Charles Walker” above. They are the same person as PropFan.
Aaron Lincoln (eBay) - Recast St.LouisKid's PKE wings and continually changes his screenname to avoid being caught. Numerous eBay negative feedbacks on several accounts. Please be aware of this seller specifically regarding PKE kits. His location is usually in Florida or now Hollywood, CA… look out for this seller.. and as always do not buy from him.
midwestpropshop (eBay) - Recast St.LouisKid's PKE wings that are highly flawed with airbubbles. This kind of thing happens when items are recast, and recast poorly.
Loveusmokey (eBay) - Please see “midwestpropshop” above. They are the same person as loveusmokey.
145will (eBay) - Same as “midwestpropshop” and “loveusmokey” above.
charleswallacedesign (eBay) - Has been banned from most major prop sites due to issues involving not getting prop replicas to the people he'd sold them too, as well as using an eBay auction to publically attack community member Ken Huegel. He sells metallic Proton Pack labels that are larger than they should be.
Xenepp - Also known as someweirdwhitestuff or scoobyisadog on eBay. Recasted Sean Bishop (Venkman71) Proton Pack shell for several years and has ripped off many users with his Night Vision Goggle frames.
Sebastien Clavet / 88MPH Studios / zamuler (eBay) - Took thousands of dollars of pre-orders for the Ghostbusters Legion Hard Cover book. No longer does business, but he should be avoided if he does reappear in the community.
Joseph Kerezman - Also known as Captain America or CostumeCostumeCostume on eBay. Keeps a poor level of contact with his customers, gives delivery dates for costume orders which are never met, has taken money for products not delivered and has a “no refunds” policy.
Mike Brewer - Believed to also be Broc Tickle, James Cartha, Yvonne C and others which have been mentioned in the process of his dealings. Mike's dealings involved items being subject to severe delay with little to no updates, items that never arrived to some buyers, and the employ of sockpuppet accounts and proxy servers to return to this forum after he was banned. It has recently come to light that he'd recasted nick-a-tron's Booster Frame and was selling the copies as his own work.
Joseph Scaibia -Banned numerous times from Ghostbusters Fans. Helped Mike Brewer get back on Ghostbusters Fans and rip off more members.
Jesse Gerst - Crossarm-props-and-replicas (eBay) - Caught recasting resin Ghost Trap pieces he'd purchased from MultiMediaMayhem. When confronted, he presented photos to try prove he'd made them himself, however the photographed source parts bore no relation to the parts he was selling. For more in-depth information, visit his thread in the feedback forum.
Robert DeWitt II - Zombie Amusements (eBay) - Caught recasting resin Proton Gun grips he purchased from MultimediaMayhem. When confronted he presented photos of masters that he claimed the parts were cast from, but were unlike the parts he was selling. He also stole several photographs from the Ghostbusters Fans Shop early on to try and sell parts. His personal website also plagiarizes a terms of service from another website. He has been blacklisted since May 25th 2011.
What is recasting?
The exact offense is that someone has taken another builder's product, copied it without permission, claimed it is their own work and is intent to make a profit off of the original builder's back. It completely destroys the idea of a community if you'll do that to one of the community members, and it seems the only fitting choice of action to eject the person who damaged or destroyed the spirit of the community from the community.
I would like to keep this list as accurate as possible.. and updated as frequently as possible. Please post in this thread with edits and adjustments as things change and more evidence is posted.