Blue Bomber

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

Edit: If a Mod wants to close this one up they are more than welcome too. I didn't see the “Besides Ghostbusters,what other franchises do really love???” even though I SWEAR I searched for it before hand. This is why I hate making new Threads on already well established forums. -.-

So been wanting to ask this since I joined up last year but I am usually hesitant to start new topics as I have a long history of killing threads..

Don't suppose anyone on here like playing the Rockman Games do they?

Been an equal fan of Rockman (specifically the X series ) as well as Ghostbusters and was wondering if anyone else was as well.

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

i love the mega man games. i'm still waiting for mega man legends 3

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

Poster note: Due to a long running habit (old habits die hard) I usually try and refer to Rockman games in their Japanese names but some times I will use the Japanese and American names inter-changingly (if that’s even a word).

The Rockman Games I am awaiting to come out some time this century

D.A.S.H. (Legends) 3: I personally loved the first two…it was something different from the series…beside I would love to she how Rock Volnutt gets home.

X9: Despite Franchise fatigue…I would love to know what became of Axl after the ending of X8. I mean he appears to be fine in Command Mission (which canonically takes place after X8) but who knows.

Command Missions 2: Being a long time Final Fantasy player….I LOVED THIS GAME. It was like having your cake and being able to eat it too and the Storyline didn’t involve Ass-chin…err..I mean Sigma.

Irregular Hunter X 2: I really dug Keiji Inafune’s attempt to remake and refine the storyline of the X universe and boy don’t get me started on the Day of Sigma OAV that I thought was kick ass. It was too bad that it didn’t sell enough and he is disinterested in making more of them. I was really interested in seeing another OAV from the Remake story universe.

Sorry…just a fan-boy.