Blue light bar

by Protonguy006

22 years, 7 months ago

Im using the Allelectronics kit that everyone uses but are there any other non expensive kinds because those lights are too big to put into the power cell area.

by Volguus

22 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, the AllElectronics circuit board is way way bigger than it needs to be. Your best bet is to use it just for reference as to what connects where, and use the parts to build your own smaller circuit from scratch on a piece of pre-punched “stripboard.” I got it down to less than a 2" square. The lights were on a second board connected to the first by ribbon cable…

- K -

by moobyghost

22 years, 7 months ago

that eludes me though. is there a way you can explain or draw it for dummies like myself?