Board Layout

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

Icer Rose
The buttons need edited… the white pixel outline looks really tacky. And not to be mean Chad, but this color scheme is kinda… I dunno… unpleasant to the eye. The khaki colro the links turn to when scrolled over clashes really bad with the gray background for instance. And the new logo is just… goofy. Usually you tell me to be honest with you man… so I'm being honest.

Your suggestions have been noted. After sleeping on it and revewing the design (since I haven't been away from it when I first began to make changes), I have made a few tweaks I hope you find enjoyable.

As for the buttons, I totally agree and I've created a contest for all those who are interested.

by CaptainN

21 years, 5 months ago

Nothing against SoulWrangler, but to me the logo he made really sucks! I think the way Ron had his was cool. I also like Osborn's idea about having the logo be like at the begining of the movie. Another thing on LCD monitors the dark dark red text of Bill Emkow's gets to be real hard to read at times. Is there a way to make the red a little bit lighter?? Just my thoughts. Do with them as you may.


by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

Nothing against SoulWrangler, but to me the logo he made really sucks!

Come on Captain N, I think there are better/ more productive ways of communicating your opinion. It would really help out of you told us why you don't like the logo.

by CaptainN

21 years, 5 months ago

Ok, here goes. First off the Ghostbusters text looks like it came straight out of an OCP font style (Robocop movies and Tv show for people who don't know). Words The and Message Board look like they were inflated then half deflated for storage reasons, but were never fully inflated again. The blue outline around everything again reminds more of an OCP kind of thing. If you want to use blue make it a dark blue like in the opening credit text of RGB.
