
by Mat.

17 years, 2 months ago

This was fun to build (and fire!) Built from mild steel.

The chamber is built from 4“ pipe and it's 7” long. The barrel has a bore of 1 1/4“ and is 19 1/2” long.

Fill'r full of Oxy/act, jam somethin down the barrel and BAM! Instant fun.

Actually, the process is pretty simple, light a torch so it can cut, then extinguish the flame. stick the end in the hole, pull the cutting lever a few times, take it away, re-light the torch and put it over the fill hole. I wouldn't recommend oxy/act for the pvc alternate though.

I named it “Bunny Kill,” due to an overpopulation of rabbits around where I work.

Remember though, “Aim away from face.”

by Shauna

17 years, 2 months ago

that cat is one badass futhamuckaaaaa!!!

by mdp872105

17 years, 2 months ago

Cool i'll have to post a image of my air cannon

by Mat.

17 years, 1 month ago

that cat is one badass futhamuckaaaaa!!!

lol! I never even noticed that.

This is an older picture, but so…wrong! Boredom is a funny thing…

Last thursday, I built a bigger one at work while bored, and we were firing wadded balls of ductape over the place next door. At the end of the night, I ended up torching it up and tossing the remains in random scrap bins.