Joyce Coll got great 6th row seats for myself and Tommy (his first Who show). The Pretenders gave a blistering opening set. I warned Chrissie in advance to GET OFF MY BOYFRIEND. Cheesy
The Who themselves were the best Christmas gift a girl could have! And I was honored to share something I'm so passionate about with the man I love. Of course my sweet, amorous Roggie was-and always is-angelically beautiful! Rog & yours truly flirted between songs as Pete talked to the audience. I brought a cute white teddy bear, named “Mr. Snuggles”, and waved it to Roger. He thought it was cute. I had many multiple Whogasms throughout the night!
Now for the icing on the cake: Just before the encore, I tossed my bear on the stage, as a gift to Roger. He picked it up,held it up to the audeince, said “give this to a little kid” and tossed it back. We basically played catch with a bear! I did, then, toss the boys' Chirstmas cards on the stage, glad that nobody's eye was poked out. Roger picked his up and was getting ready to read as he and Petey exited the stage! I SAVED $1.60 IN POSTAGE TO WISH MY MEN A HAPPY WHOLIDAY!
Me & Tommy with “Mr. Snuggles”, the bear with the Golden Touch!