Boston Globe: "GB3 to start filming this fall"

by robbritton

15 years, 12 months ago

“The information I am about to give is not to go any further as it too is still up in the air.”

but yeah, y'know, i'll just trust it to someone i've never even met before - an internet fan of mine, no less!

Absolutely no way it is really him.

by gbusterchick68841

15 years, 12 months ago

Egon Spengler;136981
The “Aykroyd” Doreen is talking to is obviously a fraud.

The Boston Globe is a reputable, major newspaper in the USA. If they said they were chatting with Dan Aykroyd, you can bet your ass that it WAS Dan Aykroyd.

I agree…it seems that he hasn't even mention too much about that interview on the Boston Globe chat interview. Should I seriously respond to “him”? But I'm still thinking on what to say back…. If I do should I give the link to GBN? Maybe this could be a good thing for the rest of the community on here to take a jump at him….

And to what LadyAkuma said “Ghostbusters is his and Ramis's baby…they would KNOW what was going on with it.

And…yeah, Anyone can have a Myspace. >.> I had an interesting conversation myself with someone named ‘The Great Gazoo’. Complete with pictures and info and all. I have trouble buying it was Aykroyd..”

I definitely agreed…he should know damn well what's going on with it….it was mostly his and Ramis' idea anyway…. I find this to be quite entertaining…

by JonXCTrack

15 years, 12 months ago

Video of Dan talking about the possibility of GB3. Fast forward to 5:05.

by egonspengler4

15 years, 12 months ago

I agree…it seems that he hasn't even mention too much about that interview on the Boston Globe chat interview. Should I seriously respond to “him”? But I'm still thinking on what to say back…. If I do should I give the link to GBN? Maybe this could be a good thing for the rest of the community on here to take a jump at him….

And to what LadyAkuma said “Ghostbusters is his and Ramis's baby…they would KNOW what was going on with it.

And…yeah, Anyone can have a Myspace. >.> I had an interesting conversation myself with someone named ‘The Great Gazoo’. Complete with pictures and info and all. I have trouble buying it was Aykroyd..”

I definitely agreed…he should know damn well what's going on with it….it was mostly his and Ramis' idea anyway…. I find this to be quite entertaining…

Don't directly prove him wrong, toy with him some more and post the results here. Point out how he's not the real deal and watch him struggle to prove that he is.

by Kojak

15 years, 12 months ago

Video of Dan talking about the possibility of GB3. Fast forward to 5:05.

Cool! Thanks for posting!

It seems like there's Ghostbusters related updates coming up every week now.

by slimer3881

15 years, 12 months ago

No smoking in GB3? thats a ‘drag’.

by rodie1

15 years, 12 months ago

That video is a couple of months old just to give you guys a heads up. Still cool, just not the latest info.

by gbusterchick68841

15 years, 12 months ago

Thanks for sharing that video….Now that's the real Aykroyd…lol and he knows what's going on with GB3 unliket his phony on myspace which I have replied to not too long ago with the gelp of the fellow ghostheads on here who made great points….I am so curious to what this person has to say…hehehe ;-)

by LadyAkuma

15 years, 12 months ago

Hey, yeah, GBusterChick, let us know how that goes! XD Are you keeping the conversation/messages going just for the lulz, or did you decide to ignore him? Enquiring minds want to know! (*egon)

I dunno, I mean, I like the ideas that I've heard, and after doing some sleuthing, AKA looking for various interviews on Youtube, I have heard that script writing is in progress or that the writers have definite hopes for a third movie right from the mouths of all four of the Fab Four; Murray, Ramis, Hudson, and Aykroyd. So, there is definitely hope still out there!

by gbusterchick68841

15 years, 12 months ago

Hey, yeah, GBusterChick, let us know how that goes! XD Are you keeping the conversation/messages going just for the lulz, or did you decide to ignore him? Enquiring minds want to know! (*egon)

I dunno, I mean, I like the ideas that I've heard, and after doing some sleuthing, AKA looking for various interviews on Youtube, I have heard that script writing is in progress or that the writers have definite hopes for a third movie right from the mouths of all four of the Fab Four; Murray, Ramis, Hudson, and Aykroyd. So, there is definitely hope still out there!

Yeah I did reply to “him” last night…just for the heck of it because I, now along with the rest of you are curious what this idiot has to say….I will keep you all posted on this and as soon as I get a response I will post it on here…lol

I have as well seen the various interview done on youtube and whatnot….so it looks like that the project is a go and we saw by the Boston Globe chat that the writing of the script will be commeced in the summer hopes to start filming soon after that….^_^