Boston Globe: "GB3 to start filming this fall"

by slimer3881

16 years ago

yep, sounds like this is the big GB3 conspiracy.

but im not sure, about the Gene Hackman thing.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years ago

this is bullspit! no way is that dan. and if it is he's yanking someone's chain. ghostbusters 3 is a thought that dan tries to get off the ground, but it is doomed before it even starts. it will NEVER happen. we all want it to happen, but come ON! people, you know what we should do? is take matters into our own hands. now here is the thing. there is this guy on youtube who does a good joker dark knight stye. he asked all his viewers to mail a letter to WB studios (spelling) with his link to his you tube account to view his videos.

here is where i am going with this. how about we all print off a ghostbuster logo and put a 3 right next to it, and mail it to Columbia (or is it paramount?). with that kind of hint, they are bound to get the message. (because petitions don't work…ever)

by egonspengler4

16 years ago

A) This is a legit, authorized chat with the Boston Globe (A major US publication). It IS Dan himself.

B) We know that the script was confirmed to be being written.

C) We know the main cast is all interested again, and so is Sony.

D) Although Dan did say ‘Hope,’ this is definitely closer to being accurate so far than any other moment in GB3 history. If the script's in good shape at the moment (which it should be, they may even be into the second draft by now), and the stars align with it, they could easily be shooting by this fall. It doesn't take long to get a movie made these days.

Not proof from God that it is for-sure happening, but don't take this one lightly. This one is closer to being accurate than any other official info was in the past.

My only hope? That it's live action, and there's no “passing the torch” bull. Ghostbusting doesn't require youth. EGB was nice as a TV series, but a film series? I'm paying to see the fab four, not some young upstarts.

by heslimedme251

16 years ago

I hope to god that if they do eventually get the script greenlit that they've had the sense to make it canon with what goes on in the game, IIRC the game is being considered canon? Just a thought, but I wouldn't want the film to be an entirely new entity seeing as how it has different writers.

But, as per…i'm not getting my hopes up and honestly i'll just see where this leads. It better be one hell of a script though!

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

Seems to be a good site. However, the type of media leaves Dan's response to what seemed rushed and short. All this really did is give the fans a bit of a heads up to how long til the script is to be done. However, I think he was jumping the gun a bit with fall 2009. It's nice to see Dan still wants to do a third movie though.

by RickyM

16 years ago

not saying nothing really, just i also ‘hope’

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Interesting… excited, but guarded, is how I would describe my mood about this right now.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years ago

I hope to god that if they do eventually get the script greenlit that they've had the sense to make it canon with what goes on in the game, IIRC the game is being considered canon? Just a thought, but I wouldn't want the film to be an entirely new entity seeing as how it has different writers.

But, as per…i'm not getting my hopes up and honestly i'll just see where this leads. It better be one hell of a script though!

Check out the new post at the Atari GB:TVG blog. It mentions that they heard the movie could possibly incorporate game elements and even some ideas they had for the game but didn't use.

About this… I'm not going to just dismiss it, but I will wait for more info before getting overly excited.

by ReplicaterZ

16 years ago

Well, guys lets just keep our fingers crossed!

I'm just waiting for ghostbusters3willrock to come back in here and start his crap again

by slimer3881

16 years ago

now that i think about it, Dan's always been the most enthusiastic about the film. the Franchise is his baby, he will always want to continue doing new things with it. So he'll plan ahead on the schedule for its production, even if the script isnt even greenlit yet.

But on a side note, if it doesnt get off the ground, alot people will be disapointed, even the general public. The cat is too out of the bag to be tossed away. The rumors and news have been very mainstream on this subject recently, getting alot of people's attention. It be a bad idea, even marketing wise, to throw away an idea, you KNOW is gonna make the studio money.


all this GB3 talk, is to get all people interested in the franchise again, just to attract them to buy the new game, and there is no new film. its all a conspiracy money-making scheme…and its all a lie?…

kidding aside, this is great news, like said before, that little sentence is probably the closest we've seen GB3 reaching the greenlight mark after all these years, but im still not convinced untill i see a trailer or atleast a teaser poster.