Boston Globe: "GB3 to start filming this fall"

by rodie1

16 years ago

Yeah, it stinks how many false starts there have been. If I had heard/seen these bits 10+ years ago I'd be jumping for joy. I'm hoping to hear something from Ramis once he starts promoting Year One (which looks damned funny btw).

by gobluemichman

16 years ago

Wow….wow…well as with all Ghostbusters things….time will only tell…..

by devilmanozzy1

16 years ago

Damn, that sound clip sure made my day. Anyways, so we wait til june.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

I Agree With Devilmanozzy here! Waiting is really all we can till something more comes along. I do how ever find it intresting that GB3 is making a bigger splash in the media within these last few months since well..ever. But besides that, I do have a certain amount of concern if this movie should ever be greenlit. One of the bigger ones would be the special effects and direction they want to take this movie in. Since no one has any idea's on both, this is my fear all together. What if they decide to make it and it ends in the sad same way as Star Wars and Indiana Jones? Seriously let's consider this factor and ask ourselfs, is that what we need or really want with our beloved franchise since early childhood? Don't get me wrong cause as much as I love Star Wars and Indy, the last films of those franchise has to me and most likely some others been a huge let down and felt something classic missing of them. It's a 50/50 if it's going to be good or bad, but in all honesty I would rather have something classic then something hollywood considers “cool” or “Updated” for todays audience is all. Anyone else feel this way?

by slimer3881

16 years ago

oh yeah, totally agree adem. When watching Crystal Skull, though i enjoyed it, but there something missing that i couldnt put my finger on, i still dont have a decision whether i like the film or not, because i cant figure out whats missing or why i feel so neutral about the film, just missing that ‘hmmph’ that made the first 3 so genuine. the “2nd trilogy” for the Wars, had a bit of this feeling but not really, it almost seemed the picked up right where they left off, though something was off kilter, they still felt like genuine Star Wars films. i think the only let down was the 2nd installment (hayden christiansan…ugh.. i'd pick Lloyd over Hayden, id rather have “yippie!” then robotic given dialogue. “mom…no…padme..”), the first and third were awesome.

ANYWAY, GB is a Comedy franchise. sure its got action and science fiction, but its overall Comedy, so it doesnt have to worry about half the stuff that fantasy/action films such as Indy and Wars. So its on pretty safe ground. just gotta make it funny, interesting, fresh and keep the characters working well off each other, while being chased by ghosts. The only downfall is applying it to today's audience (and what does today's audience have? Superbad, Walk Hard, and Scary Movie). back then, the sarcastic SNL-type humor of the first two films was a bit different than the irreverent,abrasive, and obnoxious humor we have today. so its kinda like mixing Sugar and vinegar. I hope to god, they stay true to the source material and not upping the ante on the dynamic of the comedy.

Other than that, GB is pretty safe, and hard to eff up, unless the writers are really unfunny and unoriginal, which from watching the Office, they're pretty good writers.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

I think we all need to take this with a truckload of salt. Ghostbusters hasn't truly been mainstream for a while and IMO the game buzz is making this seem bigger that it is. Just remember that Dan already HAD a script that was turned down. I won't get my hope up until I see something tangible. I love Danny's enthusiasm, but we must remember that he wants this done more than anyone. I'll get excited if production starts. Until then I still see this as Dan doing what he as done since 1991, get another Ghostbusters movie made.

by slimer3881

16 years ago

But take in mind, his first script was turned down, because the Studio thought the GB franchise was long dead and wasnt profitable anymore.

by Dr.D

16 years ago

True, but is a Ghostbusters film a guaranteed hit? I know I'd see it no matter what, but will the general public really go for it? I'm afraid it'll be just another throw-away sequel to an 80's franchise film. Most of the people I know won't go and see a GB film, and I'm in high school. To me, most kids will see it and say “Didn't the first one come out in the '70s or something?”. The film would have to appeal to an older audience and that might hurt it.

by egonspengler4

16 years ago

True, but is a Ghostbusters film a guaranteed hit? I know I'd see it no matter what, but will the general public really go for it? I'm afraid it'll be just another throw-away sequel to an 80's franchise film. Most of the people I know won't go and see a GB film, and I'm in high school. To me, most kids will see it and say “Didn't the first one come out in the '70s or something?”. The film would have to appeal to an older audience and that might hurt it.

It wouldn't be a throwaway film. Murray would not agree to any such thing. The film will be good if Murray agrees to it. He won't settle for a poor script.

Murray's basically our guarantee of a great flick. He was burned by GB2 being prettymuch a throwaway sequel, he won't agree to be in another one.

by slimer3881

16 years ago

Its all about marketing and promotion. Ghostbusters Happy meals, Ghostbusters Coke Cans, etc. Its all about promotion really for it to be a hit. Its not about it looking awful, Some of the most mediocre movies, have been huge hits in the past few years, but they were promoted enough to give an impression at the box office.

It is true, some kids/people nowadays have absolutely zero-knowledge about pop-cultural history. and would be completely ignorant and lost when being introduced to the franchise. But none the less,Everyone remembers “ghostbusters” in one shape or form. And either way the general public eat up anything thats thrown at them, so when they see a thousand promo posters of a film at a fast food resturant, they'll go see the movie.

As far as it being “good”,ofcourse it will, (knock on wood), even if GB2 wasnt anywhere near as funny or awesome as GB1, its still a pretty good and entertaining movie. And if a good movie like GB2, was a dissapointment to the rest of the cast and crew, they obviously have the ability to see their own mistakes and can improve upon them in the 3rd film. And if they are then they're gonna make bigger and better. Its gonna be a huge film without a doubt.

ofcourse thats just a matter of opinion and observation.