Boston Globe: "GB3 to start filming this fall"

by specter1

16 years ago

It's weird. I should be happy they are trying to make a new GB movie. But I'm really not looking forward to a GB movie where the originals are being replaced. Wether it is a logical way to go or not.

I understand what you mean, I think, and I know what you are feeling. A film where the original team is replaced with new Ghostbusters will bring in a group of guys that none of us has known for the past 25 years, and thus not really care that much about.

It's something that we'll all have to take into consideration, should this film get made. We've known the original team for 25+ years, and if a new team is assembled, then we'll have to get to know them, but it'll never really be the same or really fit right unless they can capture the feel of the original films well. We've got this feeling like they're part of our family, and it's like part of that family is moving out and we won't be seeing them again, and we're probably going to get a new group of guys that look like some of our friends, because face it, they're probably going to be about our age, by now, when the original Ghostbusters were always older, and something we could grow up to become.

The new team would make it impossible to aspire to become that, in our own minds, and may even be younger than many of us.

It's probably going to be a natural reaction that effects whether or not each of us enjoys the new film.

I think that was part of the problem with the new Indy. It had been about 19 years between films, and had it come out in like 1992 or 1993, I think we'd probably have just seen Indy 5, and thought that nothing was really too out-there in Indy 4 (it would have been different without Shia, though, and Indy's age would have put him into slightly different situations). People would have compared it more to Temple of Doom's supernatural feel than wondering if Indy still had it.

I'd wager that we're all going to be very split on our own reaction to the film. For some of us, it's going to be like an old pair of pants. They may not fit as well, but they are broken in some. They may fit just as well, and we love wearing them. For others, it'll be like a new pair of pants, however. You know how to wear the pants, but it takes a while to get used to them.

And that's only half of it. The other half is that a new film means new ownership by a younger generation. The new generation will claim ownership of the franchise in their world, and start treading on well established territory. There will be some that claim the new team is better, and probably younger and if they go there, “hotter” than the original team. It's going to frustrate a lot of us fans of the original.

I just say, we have to be prepared for anything.

by VigotheCarpathian

16 years ago

Ghostbusters 3 Starts Filming in the Fall?
Source: The Boston Globe
February 23, 2009

Dan Aykroyd participated in a chat with The Boston Globe in celebration of a new House of Blues opening and was asked by someone about the status of Ghostbusters 3. Here's the opening bit from the chat:

Dan, I'm extremely excited for the HOB to be back in its birth-city!! I will be attending many shows. On a side note, and I'm sure you get these questions a lot, so I apologize in advance…Ghostbusters 3? I've heard that the writers of the Office are currently penning a script? How is this coming along, and should we look forward to this movie seeing the light of day? Thanks Dan!

Dan Aykroyd: Script is commenced early summer. Hope to be in production by late fall 2009.

It was announced last September that “The Office” co-executive producers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky were going to write the script for the third film designed to bring back together the original cast of Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson. It was reported then that the concept is that the old Ghostbusters would appear in the film in some mentor capacity.

thanks to for the info

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Vigo the Carpathian;135766
Ghostbusters 3 Starts Filming in the Fall?
Source: The Boston Globe
February 23, 2009

Dan Aykroyd participated in a chat with The Boston Globe in celebration of a new House of Blues opening and was asked by someone about the status of Ghostbusters 3. Here's the opening bit from the chat:

Dan, I'm extremely excited for the HOB to be back in its birth-city!! I will be attending many shows. On a side note, and I'm sure you get these questions a lot, so I apologize in advance…Ghostbusters 3? I've heard that the writers of the Office are currently penning a script? How is this coming along, and should we look forward to this movie seeing the light of day? Thanks Dan!

Dan Aykroyd: Script is commenced early summer. Hope to be in production by late fall 2009.

It was announced last September that “The Office” co-executive producers Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky were going to write the script for the third film designed to bring back together the original cast of Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson. It was reported then that the concept is that the old Ghostbusters would appear in the film in some mentor capacity.

thanks to for the info


by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

I just say, we have to be prepared for anything.

You make a lot of very valid, very well-though-out points. You verbalized a lot of what a lot of the community is feeling…. very torn between whether or not they want a new film and the reasons behind it.

You… you've earned it:

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Already a thread on this topic:

And, honestly, it is pretty bad when you can't spell Aykroyd even though its spelled out correctly for you in the text you copy and pasted at least 3 times.

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

While it is a possibility, it still might not happen. Not to pessimistic about it, I mean I hope it happens, but I have been disappointed by Hollywood before.

So I am just saying that I am not holding my breathe for it so I won't get disappointed if it doesn't happen

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Scott Sommer;135773
While it is a possibility, it still might not happen. Not to pessimistic about it, I mean I hope it happens, but I have been disappointed by Hollywood before.

So I am just saying that I am not holding my breathe for it so I won't get disappointed if it doesn't happen

Very true! we were told many times that GB3 was a go….Look back in 1998 Dan was ready….But the dam blair witch project made so much money and killled the chance for the GB3 movie…(;_

by VigotheCarpathian

16 years ago

so i missed a typo give me a break

by specter1

16 years ago

Doctor Venkman;135770
You make a lot of very valid, very well-though-out points. You verbalized a lot of what a lot of the community is feeling…. very torn between whether or not they want a new film and the reasons behind it.

You… you've earned it:

Thanks! Granted, in looking over my original post, I would like to add more punctuation to it, and split up some of the run-ons. But it was a stream of consciousness of what I feel about the film and how I feel reaction will be. It's kind of well-informed as well. Analyzing fan reaction from Indiana Jones, Star Wars and even Prince Caspian and Terminator and the casting of Avatar: The Last Airbender; you get a lot of various feedback and it all plays a role. Being a fan of all of those series of films, books or tv shows, but not a super-fan to the point of rabid, has afforded me the chance to take a step back and ask why fans might feel the way that they do about certain properties.

I'm a big fan of Ghostbusters and The Karate Kid for very different reasons. I grew up watching both films hundreds of times. I know how the fans of each of the previously mentioned series feel, and claim the same type of ownership of GB and Karate Kid. Case in point, I created a mock DVD cover of what they're doing with The Karate Kid franchise:

I am very thankful that Ghostbusters isn't just heading the route of re-make, because we'll never know what might've been. I wish that Karate Kid went the same route, with Larusso teaching the kid.

by rodie1

16 years ago

I've never had a problem with the new recruits idea (so long as they get the right cast). I mean in my opinion that was one of the great down falls of the first sequel was that they didn't add any new cast (aside from an underused Peter MacNicol and Kurt Fuller doing a watered-down Walter Peck). They'll have to add new cast in some capacity should the film get made and it's only natural that Ghostbusters would have expanded by now (especially if they keep them as the city's official paranormal investigation and elimination unit from the game). I guess like you said it will elicit different reactions from different people but I for one am alright with it.