Boston Globe: "GB3 to start filming this fall"

by Returnofmovieguy

16 years ago

Guess What…?

Ghostbusters 3 will rock in 2010.

Yes it will friend!

by ghostbusters2131

16 years ago

I think Dan is as excited now about GB3 (and more thanks to the expectative caused by the videogame) as he was back in 1997 when he wrote that old script we all know about it.
I say: Ask Dan anything about GB3 and he will say “yeap, it´s coming” cause he love GB franchise, he´s putting his entire heart on the project and wants to be real…

For the good of Dan (and everybody here), I really hope the movie gets green light soon.

by Andreas

16 years ago

Judd Apatow and ‘Ghostbusters 3’: Fat chance

“It's not true,” says Doug Belgrad, president of Columbia Pictures. "We have some great new writers working on a new script, but Judd isn't involved. Judging from the frenzy on the Internet, there still seems to be plenty of interest in the idea of doing another film, so we're certainly taking that as a good sign."

by lozbloke

16 years ago

Isnt this the first time someone from Sony/Columbia has confirmed that a script is being developed? And from the top bloke as well!

Its also good to hear that the powers that be are aware of the buzz surrounding the potential third movie

by batman2

16 years ago

I think the fact that Judd is not involved is a good sign as I believe he does not have the right sense of humour to tackle GB3.

by gbusterchick68841

16 years ago

Wishing that this is all true that GB3 is in progress, but as I have the supposed ‘Dan Aykroyd’ himself on Myspace, he posted in a bulletin and resent it to me personally after I made I comment of wishful GB3 thinking, he posted this:

“Hello Doreen. I have received your comment regarding GIII. I posted a bulletin on that very subject just yesterday. Here is a copy of it for you to look over at your leaser. Best wishes to you, and here's hoping we talk again sometime in the future.


Danny Aykroyd and Donna Dixon ( Wife )

Hello all and thank you for your kind emails. Many were merely fan letters sent to my myspace email. Others were fan letters asking about the release of GB 3 in both video game form as well as in the cinemas. Unfortunately, the release of Ghostbusters III in video game form is the only one there will be. This is for two main reasons. First, and this in no particular order; we got everybody from the original two GB movies to partake in the production of the game, however a couple people would not commit to another motion picture. Also, I am having some difficulty selling my new script to the studios. As it sits at present, GBIII the video game will also have to serve as the movie. The storyline for the game was taken from my original script. The Ghostbusters III game will be in stores in July. Look for it.

Also. For the fans who wrote me inquiring about autographs, I would like all autograph requests sent to the following address. Address the letter to me of course and send it to my direct post office box number.

Dan Aykroyd
Box 35088
Los Angeles, CA 90035-0088

I read the majority of the letters I receive, though often it takes a little while for me to reply to everybody. The letters that do not reach my own hands are read by my agent, however all photographs are signed, sealed, stamped and sent by me personally. I have but one simple request. Please do not send any personal items to be signed ( except DVD inlays, CD tray inlays, or any personal photographs you may have ) as it is a liability issue. Nothing that cannot fit into an 8x10 envelope.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. I appreciate it, just as I appreciate all of you.

Harley Davidson is best.

Your friend,


So honestly, if this is him (which I'm doubting right now), I'm very confused right now…..GB3 or no GB3 that is the question….according to this he said only in Video game form….. :-(

by Ghostbuster-Adem

16 years ago

I don't know what to think, do you think that was Dan giving that information?

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

I know it wasn't Dan, because “he” states that the game will be released in July, when the “real” Dan, has said on many occasions, that it will be out in June, Plus! why would Dan himself, confirm the possibility of starting production on GB 3 in the fall (upon commencement of the script in the summer), then do a complete 180, and say something totally different. This is the very reason that I don't use/like Myspace, Facebook, or any other “Social Networking” site, because you never know who is really who they say they are, not to mention all the CTDs (Computerized Transmitted Diseases; Viruses) that can be contracted from them. So, until we hear it from Dan's own mouth, I won't believe a thing!(*peter)

by Andreas

16 years ago

source link?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years ago

Its definitely not the real Aykroyd.

Not only does he get the game date wrong, but he apparently can't spell “leisure” (its spelled leaser). For a guy who is a professional writer… not believable that he would mispell a simple word like “leisure”.