Anyway, after some discussion, he popped the question of whether or not we'd be interested in joining the army of fans and extras he's put into the movie as cameos.
Of course the answer was yes.
So down in Denver today Hank shot us in street clothes pointing, screaming, and running away from the creatures appearing everywhere during one of the chaotic montages. With a little luck we'll be stuck in there with Secrecy Guy and bunch of others.
Then we suited up and posed with the car to be put into the end Expanding Franchise montage.
We also got to see some scenes from the movie, most notably the chaos montage, which is pretty much this movies version of the “containment unit exlposion and ghosts everywhere” montage.
It. Was. Incredible. Seriously, the effects of this film are better than all the effects shots in both of the original Ghostbusters movies. CG monsters, corpses waiting for buses, scary glowing dragons twisting around skyscrapers, wide helicopter shots of downtown Denver being blown up and ravaged by nasty creatures.
This fan film will be astonishing.
Freaking awesome!

Oye look! Hank, Jason(Neil), Tim(Ed Spengler), and the very very cool villain, Ron(Konstantin).

Anthony, Hank, Jason, Austin, Shauna, me, Tim, and Ron. Cool cast, apparently this picture was taken while a nuclear explosion was going off in the background, we think.