BraxtanFILM, Return of the Ghostbusters, and the FCGBs

by pantshater24

17 years, 9 months ago

When you have the power to make a film even better, I say use that power! It will only help out in the end.

“Movies aren't finished, they're abandoned.”

Too often is that true for studio films. Nice thing about independant or student stuff, it's your baby, your time spent, and it's going to come out when it's damn well ready

amen to that bother!

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

When you have the power to make a film even better, I say use that power! It will only help out in the end.

“Movies aren't finished, they're abandoned.”

Too often is that true for studio films. Nice thing about independant or student stuff, it's your baby, your time spent, and it's going to come out when it's damn well ready

Here here!

Ghostbusters: Generation and Return of the Ghostbusters are the fanfilm events of the season, we don't know when the next one will be (if there will be any more after this, but I hope I'm wrong on that) so time shouldn't be wasted on little squabbles when we should be paying an awsome tribute to Eddy and Hank.

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 9 months ago

I know little to nothing about Ghostbusters: Generation… trailer looks good, actors and props and shots look good, no idea about the story or FX, though.

But I firmly believe that Return of the Ghostbusters is going to be THE definitive fanfilm. ROTGB will be to the 2005-2015 generation what TROOPS was for the previous decade in terms of megapopular fan-films. It's going to be everywhere and it will inspire knock-offs and tributes and will encourage a whole new slew of fans to build some props and make a movie.

by hanksta2

17 years, 9 months ago

Let me clear up the confusion, everyone.

Principle photography for ROTGB wrapped last August. This means I have all the footage I need to cut a story together. However, I think I've been quite clear that I've been shooting pickup shots (story ENHANCING footage) ever since. And I've made quite an effort to get as many people in the GB community into the film. I really want to sort of tie everyone into a bit of GB lore.

Meanwhile I have been editing the film and mixing sound. For all intents and purposes, the film is completely cut together. I might trim a few things here and there, and I'll be inserting a few shots (pickups) in a few places, but basically it's cut together. These pickups are not delaying the film in any way because regardless, I still have to wait for the FX to be finished. At this point we have about 48 shots left and I anticipate I'll have those in by September 1st, so I can release the film by Halloween.

Sorry for the confusion everyone!

by daftkid909

17 years, 9 months ago

I know little to nothing about Ghostbusters: Generation… trailer looks good, actors and props and shots look good, no idea about the story or FX, though.

Thus, I'm release a second trailer. Many people yet to know what I have in store for them .

I have faith in ROTGB and I was aware these were pick up's that weren't doing anything to hurt the release. Those damn effects will get done at the same rate whether or not Hank is sitting at his computer editing it or going out for pick up's so might as well get some pick up's! Hell, waiting for effects can even get boring at times so pick up's help pass the time and give you something new and fresh to edit!

by Boomerjinks

17 years, 9 months ago

Can't wait for the premiere! Awesome!

by hanksta2

17 years, 9 months ago

It was really awesome to meet up with the Fort Collins team–a really nice group, and you have to hear the car.

But Eddie's on the ball–waiting for FX gets boring. Hell, he started shooting a completely different film. I think we both feel that after spending so much time on our films, it would be a shame to just rush through this last part.

It will be worth the wait, I can assure you.

by sandmanfvr

17 years, 9 months ago

I hope the best for both and you and I will have BOTH dvds in my collection. I hope I can get dvds.

by ecto_plasmic1

17 years, 9 months ago

Let me clear up the confusion, everyone.

Principle photography for ROTGB wrapped last August. This means I have all the footage I need to cut a story together. However, I think I've been quite clear that I've been shooting pickup shots (story ENHANCING footage) ever since. And I've made quite an effort to get as many people in the GB community into the film. I really want to sort of tie everyone into a bit of GB lore.

Meanwhile I have been editing the film and mixing sound. For all intents and purposes, the film is completely cut together. I might trim a few things here and there, and I'll be inserting a few shots (pickups) in a few places, but basically it's cut together. These pickups are not delaying the film in any way because regardless, I still have to wait for the FX to be finished. At this point we have about 48 shots left and I anticipate I'll have those in by September 1st, so I can release the film by Halloween.

Sorry for the confusion everyone!

thanks for the clarification Hank, the film will be a masterpiece.

and thanks guys, who acutally understood what I meant. I believe I don't have to explain anymore.

by fenix1

17 years, 8 months ago

am looking forward to seeing the completed film