Let me clear up the confusion, everyone.
Principle photography for ROTGB wrapped last August. This means I have all the footage I need to cut a story together. However, I think I've been quite clear that I've been shooting pickup shots (story ENHANCING footage) ever since. And I've made quite an effort to get as many people in the GB community into the film. I really want to sort of tie everyone into a bit of GB lore.
Meanwhile I have been editing the film and mixing sound. For all intents and purposes, the film is completely cut together. I might trim a few things here and there, and I'll be inserting a few shots (pickups) in a few places, but basically it's cut together. These pickups are not delaying the film in any way because regardless, I still have to wait for the FX to be finished. At this point we have about 48 shots left and I anticipate I'll have those in by September 1st, so I can release the film by Halloween.
Sorry for the confusion everyone!
How very appropriate, Hank.
Off topic, Phantom of the Opera (the musical) will premiere at the Cadillac Theater in Chicago on Halloween as well. I should go and see that.
Good luck with the editing and FX work, Hank–I can't wait for this thing to come out at last!!!