British franchise

by DR.V

22 years, 10 months ago

OK, are there any ghostheads out there who live in the yorkshire area who wanna help me start a franchise, ive just finished my particle thrower, which i did by making the basic shape, spraying it black and glueing some odds and sods i had lying around the house on for switches and dials, it dont look 100% accurate 2 the movie but im pretty proud of it, im gonna do the pack and overalls and goggles and i need some local boyz and girlz to join me in my quest to bust sum ghost, c 'mon ppl we live in the most haunted counry in the world, we are needed, so any 1 who lives in the area who is interested reply and well sort somthing out. cheers
P.S i have noteced there is another DR.V on here so dont get us mixed up, he is DR-V and i am DR.V, minor difference but its there, anyways ill stop rambling now, so l8er

by Kingpin

22 years, 10 months ago

Too bad I live in Bucks, caus I could really use some colleagues apart from DutchGB.

by J.C

22 years, 10 months ago

I live in Hampshire and nobody's a ghosthead around there! *sigh*