Britney Spears files for divorce (November 7, 2006)

by Zedd

18 years, 4 months ago

It's about freaking time! Two years too late!!! I'm not a fan of either but Britany can do WAY better. And as for Brit not being a good mother - ask Kevin's other kids if he makes a good father - oh ya he has nothing to do with them…if he can't eat it, shoot it, snort it, or turn it into gold he's not interested… back to my dark hole full of horror movies

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

He should be changing his nickname from K-Fed to K-F'ed.


by fusi0n1

18 years, 3 months ago

He's going to be releasing a 4 hour long video of their honeymoon, unless he gets a few million and complete custody of the kids. Remember this is the same guy who ran out on his previous partner who was pregnant at the time.

I don't know at what point she thought he was a good guy. I've never seen a photo of 'Kay and gone “wow, he looks like a nice guy”.

He looks like a scum-soaked seedy sewer rat to me!

by Zedd

18 years, 3 months ago

well now they're saying that there is no tape and that he never really said that - its all rumors.

Either way he's skanky (she may be not much better) but while she's having his babies he's off running around pretending to rap. WHATEVS!!!

I'm not a Britany fan but I'm on her side!