Building Proton Packs..

by Chibigear

17 years, 11 months ago

Hi! As a newbie to this board, I'm most likely posting this in the wrong forum, mods, feel free to move to a proper location. I am interested in buillding a decent proton pack using the vacume forming technique. Does anyone have any idea if the blue/pink insulation foam would be any good for this? I know that styrofoam would propably not work, but I haven't gotten my hands on the insulation board, so I cannot tell just how it reacts to heat. I only need to make four packs, so the foam does not need to last for ever.
Thanks and keep on bustin'

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Have you considered building the sections you want to vacuum form from wood? They'll be a heck of a lot stronger and could last longer for repeat ‘pulls’ if the first set don't work out quite right.

by Dreamstalker

17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, I'd recommend wood; it seems as if insulation foam might melt/off-gas some ungood things when exposed to direct heat.

by Chibigear

17 years, 11 months ago

Thanks guys!, I've given this project some additional thought, and have decided to have a go with MDF board, ie; making the whole pack fron this. I'm going to draw Stefan's plans on 1/1 scale on paper, and then transfer them to the boards. The MDF is going to make the packs a bit heavier, but the alice rig should take care of that. Also, if the pack would be light it mithg be too easy to remember that you are carrying an unlicenced nuclear accelerator on your pack, and not a balloon. By the way, can anyone tell me the dimensions of the PKE meter, the plans that I've found don't seem to indicate this.
Thanks, VIlle

by SamG

17 years, 11 months ago

Have a look at my project.

The guns body is vac-formed, it works real well with wooden molds, and looks great! (and shiny! )