Buying the full Real Ghostbuster Cartoon Series...

by newrecruit1

17 years ago

Thanks for the link in terms of where I could view them, but I want to buy them. Any places you know of?

Even I likes to get the original cover and box, with the tiny booklets they sometimes give. Last year, “Toys r us” had some DvD, “HMV” had some also. Or browse the net, “Ebay” or “Amazon” maybe. Good Luck

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Thanks for the link in terms of where I could view them, but I want to buy them. Any places you know of?

not just view, download then make your own DVD's (piracy lol) :-)

Alice? (*peter) I don't understand the reference.

ha ha for once something ghostbusters-related you didn't get lol :-)

Not exactly one of the more commonly seen things relating to Ghostbusters.

by newrecruit1

17 years ago

Piracy…… hey it can be a good idea: Terrorists are in a quest to steal the nuclear accelerators stored in the Ghostbusters headquarter! Two of them are missing after their bust. The ghostbusters have only one left at 100% of capacity and the other at 35%.

The authority can't find the terrorists.
Meanwhile, mad ghosts are wreaking havoc on the city.
The GB need to take care of both things before it's too late.

At the end, the terrorists will have soo much trouble because of paranormal activities that they will try to use the proton pack (even if they have no traps); their clumsiness destroy everything around them; the ghosts slime them and are about to play “The Grudge” on them.

The chaos leads the GB, followed by the authority, to their location. They catch the ghosts and the terrorists are arrested.
Another day saved (^_^)

by Razortceps

17 years ago

Ok so I found a place to buy them. They are of super high quality according to the seller, the only thing is I think this guy is obviously breaking copyright laws. That brings me to a question. Lets say I buy these and dont like the quality or I watch them all and really dont feel the need to keep them afterwards. Would I be breaking the law if I were to resell them on Ebay even if I was not the one doing all the copying and would have proof to link it back to the guy I bought it from? (*egon)

Oh and just in case anyone is interested now that I am buying the full series off of this guy I am selling my 7 original cassette tapes that are all in great condition on Ebay. So feel free to check it out, the auction # is 300187121432 just type the number in the search bar and they will come up. But yea back to my original question can I get in trouble for reselling some of which that I did not copy myself personally?

Mod Edit: No need to have two posts minutes apart, simply use the Edit button - Kingpin

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Technically speaking you would be, even if a show hasn't been released onto DVD fully, or at all to copy it unofficially is breach of copyright, and sets have been removed from eBay even when the auction has ended.

There'll always be the risk an auction will get cancelled by eBay so bear that in mind if you do end up wanting to resell them. I don't know how much trouble people get into when this happens as I've always been on the buying/viewing but not buying end of things.

by rgbfan2

16 years, 11 months ago

I have all 140 episodes if you still want them

by Paranormalguy

16 years, 7 months ago

Hey everybody,
This is my first post and I know I'm new but as far as I know there is no legal copys of the Real Ghostbusters on DVD yet. I did find a petition for it though at this url…..

I also placed a link to it on my paranormal website at
There are only 42 signatures on it so far and I hope you will all sign it to put pressure on Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to release it. I did not start the petition but it does seem like a good idea. Check it out.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

I would think a petition to pressure Sony to release RGB on DVD is….Kinda Pointless

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 7 months ago

Do we even have official confirmation on that release? Either way though, a petition to Sony would be more or less a waste of time, as they tend not to listen to us. (*egon)

by Frosty

16 years, 7 months ago

What the hell are you smoking? :p

Piracy…… hey it can be a good idea: Terrorists are in a quest to steal the nuclear accelerators stored in the Ghostbusters headquarter! Two of them are missing after their bust. The ghostbusters have only one left at 100% of capacity and the other at 35%.

The authority can't find the terrorists.
Meanwhile, mad ghosts are wreaking havoc on the city.
The GB need to take care of both things before it's too late.

At the end, the terrorists will have soo much trouble because of paranormal activities that they will try to use the proton pack (even if they have no traps); their clumsiness destroy everything around them; the ghosts slime them and are about to play “The Grudge” on them.

The chaos leads the GB, followed by the authority, to their location. They catch the ghosts and the terrorists are arrested.
Another day saved (^_^)